The Platt Amendment!!
History Of Cuba! Us Intervention and the Platt Amendent!
The Platt Amendment Of 1901
The united states also helped the people of cuba write there own constitution.Delegates to a constitutional Convention were elected by Cubans who had fought against the Spanish.
Platt Amendment
More Info On The Platt Amendment?!
The ecomonmic was also favorable the infusion foreign capital the increasing trade with the united states and favorable sugar prices.
On June 23,1783 the second US president,John Adams expressed what was to be the us attitude towards cuba until the end of the 19th century.
Another image of the Platt Amendment
History On The Platt Amendment!
The Platt Admendent Drafted during the crucial period following the Spanish American War, the Platt Amendent passed on March 2,1901,was an addition to the Army Appropriations Act. Secretary of state eilhu Root with the cooperation of Connecticut Senator Orville H.Platt drafted the Amendent
From what i read you about the Platt Amendment i have told you the history of the Amendment and how cuba was part of it.
Image Of The Platt Admendent
The United States,Cuba And the Platt Amendment of 1901.
The Platt Admendent,an Admendent to a U.S.Army Appropriations Bill, the term under which the united states would end its military occupation of cuba which begun in 1898 during the Spanish American War.
Platt Amendment