WW1/All Quiet on the Western Front Timeline
All Quiet On the Western Front
All Quiet on the Western Front
Real Time
- June 28, 1914- Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife are assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia. This event indicated the start of World War 1
- April 22, 1915- First use of chlorine gas in WW1 by Germany
- July 1, 1916- The British Army suffers its worst single-day death toll after 18,800 soldiers are killed in battle
- September 1, 1918- The last of Paul's close friends, "Kat," is killed in battle
- Private Paul Baumer and his colleagues Leer, Muller, Kropp and Tjaden enlist in the German Army
- February 3, 1917 - The United States severs diplomatic ties with Germany
- August 1, 1914- Germany declares war on Russia
- September 15, 1916- Tanks are first used in battle by British troops
- October 18,1918- Paul dies in combat
- April 6, 1917 - The United States declares war on Germany
- September 5, 1915- Tsar Nicholas II takes control of Russian army
- August 4, 1914- Germany invades Belgium
- November 20, 1916- Austro-Hungary emperor Franz Joseph dies at the age of 86
- December 15, 1917 - Soviet Russia signs a treaty with Germany
All Quiet on the Western Front
All Quiet On the Western Front
All Quiet on the Western Front
- June 6, 1918- Americans experience their first significant battlefield casualties with 5,000 killed
- March 1, 1915- Frank Kemmerich, one of Paul's comrades, dies. He dies of an infection in his leg after being shot
- January 1, 1916- Paul returns to his hometown for the first time since enlisting with the German Army
- Most of Paul's friends are killed; Paul is shot in the leg during a bombardment and sent to a Catholic hospital for treatment
- November 3, 1918 - Austro-Hungary, the only remaining ally of Germany, drops out leaving Germany alone in the war
- October 1, 1915- Members of Paul's Company become stuck in a small house, and are forced to sit through a harsh bombardment. Afterwards, only 32 out of 80 men survive
- June 28, 1919- Treaty of Versailles is signed, ending the war