The Respondent
Ethical Approaches
General Overview
The Petitioner
The Power of Perception
"In the law, justice is upholding social control, mitigating and deterring crime."
-Environment; Perception of Officer During Pursuit.
-Importance of Mind Set
*Maintain Composure
-Why would people flee from the police?
*Flight or Fright response kicks in where there is a perceived threat
1. Teleological: Uses a combination of intentions, potential outcomes, and reality of the situation.
2. Consequentialist: The moral value of an action comes from the consequences of an action.
3. Deontological: Focuses on the intention of the action.
4. Relativism: Each person and each situation is unique because each person creates their own moral beliefs.
-Michael Mosely, is arguing on behalf of the six police officials from West Memphis, Arkansas.
-Two Precedent Cases:
1. Smith v. Cupp (2005)
2. Scott v. Harris (2007)
-Issue of Public Safety
-The Presence of the Passenger
-Gary Smith filed the lawsuit for the daughter of Donald Rickard.
Smith's Case: use of excessive force endangered innocent bystanders.
-Contends Rickard did not try to start fleeing again, Justice Kennedy replied, "What do you mean? He is going to the police station?"
-Police could have shot the tires
-The Essential Question:
Was there clearly established law that made it apparent that this was improper police conduct?
Video: July 3, 2004
Our Reflection
-The Precedent: Scott v. Harris (2007); SCOTUS held that respondent posed a substantial and immediate risk of serious physical injury to others.
-The Importance of Plumhoff v. Rickard
-The families of the decedents filed this suit against the police officers involved in the shooting.
Rickard's lack of compliance.
Was the officer's use of force excessive?
The death of two people.
Barnes, Robert. (2014). Supreme Court justices grill plaintiff’s lawyer in suit over police chase that ended in 2 deaths.
Bloomberg Law. (2014). Plumhoff v. Rickard.
Banks: Discrimination in Criminal Justice System