So if you would summarize this text it will be that Mr. Pendanski is a very, very caring person.
One of the proofs that he is also friendly is when he says to Stanley"I'm going to help you turn your life around."
Mr Pendanski is very humble and act very nice to all kids at camp, you will understand if you will read the book. One time he says to Stanley."I understand you have made some bad mistakes in your life. Other wise you wouldn't be here. But that doesn't make you into a bad kid."
Mr. Pendanski
One of the proofs that he is very caring is when all the boys in group D sits down in a circle and talk about the boys future, and Mr. Pendanski says "I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that is no reason to give up. You will be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most out of it."
Three personal traits...
We think that Mr. Pendanski is a very humble and friendly person. He is also a very caring person and he seems to try to do the best of a bad situation.
Mr. Pendanski is always talking with the boys about their future in a nice way, and he tries to convince them that they aren't bad boys, they have just made some bad decisions in their life.
How does Mr. Pendanski get a long with the others at camp?
Mr. Pendanski get a long with almost everybody on the camp, maybe except for the Warden but no one get a long with the Warden. Mr. Pendanski is the counselor for group D but the boys are not treating him like a "boss", because he is so friendly and humble they are not listen to what he says. The boys are always like "who cares" and "why?!" when he is telling them something.
likes & dislikes
Mr.Pendanski likes all of the children in the camp and he believes in them that they are gonna grow up to be something good. You can see that all of the kids like him because they have given him a nick name "Mum". Because he is so caring. Mr.Pendanski is disliking the warden cause she is so mean to the kids like when she stabbed a camper with a pitch fork.
Comparing with the Warden
Mr.Pendanski is a lot different character than the Warden cause Warden is a mean and fierce person. Mr.Pendanski is a lot nicer than the Warden and he is nice to the kids and treating them like living people.The Warden and Mr.Pendanski are two very different people because Mr.Pendnski is wondering why the kids ended up there when the warden is stabbing them with pitch forks and acting mean.
1, Introduction
2, What have happened to the character in the novell...?
3, What was your first expression of Mr. Pendanski?
4, Give us 3 personal traits about Mr. Pendanski.
5, How does Mr. Pendanski look?
6, What does the other people in camp (children and workers) think about Mr. Pendanski.
7, Somethings that Mr. Pendanski likes and dislikes?
8, How does the character get a long with the others at camp?
9, Comparing with the warden.
Mr. Pendanski
How he looks
Mr. Pendanski is Stanley's counselor for group D.
Mr. Pendanski has a high rank at camp green lake, and he doesn't seems to be the "adventure" guy. But still a lot of things have happened to Mr. Pendanski in the Novell. When Stanley first got to camp Mr. Pendanski was the one who made Stanley feel comfortable at camp, and he was also the one who gave Stanley a tour around the camp and showed him where he was supposed to sleep and shower, after he had dug his holes. Mr Pendanski also give X-Ray a day of, one day, because X-Ray shows a golden bullet for him but it was actually Stanley that had found it.
e think that Mr. Pendanski looks a bit like a cowboy and he walks around with a beautiful smile on his lips and a cowboy hat on his head. We don't think that he is so old, maybe 25-30 years old. We think that he is pretty tall and have long brown hair.
First expression
Other peoples thoughts...
Everybody in camp Green Lake seem to like Mr. Pendanski, because he is a very friendly and caring man. Even do his name is Mr. Pendanski he is called "mom" in the group D because he is so caring about them.
Our first expression of Mr.Pendanski is that he is very humble and friendly. We think he is humble because he is the one who believes in the kids that they are gonna be something better when they will come out of Camp Green Lake. Mr.Pendanski is seen as a glad, nice person compared to the Warden or Mr.Sir. And he also seems to be the only grown-up at camp, that really cares about the kids.