Action Plan
Tornado/Severe Weather
- Meet with local Crisis Management Team.
- Bring concerns and recommendations to proper Security Services and Risk Management Supervision for review.
- Communicate and implement any changes made.
Current policies and previous methods.
Concerns .
Recommended changes.
Recommended Changes
- NWS NOAA weather radio.
- Monitoring Local weather stations.
- Verbally inform occupants of weather watches and warnings.
- Gave directions to shelter areas.
- Shelter Areas and evacuation routes posted in every classroom.
- Designate shelter ares, post signage.
- Use Building PA system to notify all students of a severe weather watches and warning.
- Provide directions.
- Signage.
- Use of stairs and elevators.
- Movement of disabled individuals.
- Communication to occupants.
New Building + New Problems = New Plans
- From two buildings to one.
- Nine Story Building
- Unique set of problems for the University.
- Fire/Tornado Plans
- Lowering Risk and Liability.
- Being better prepared.
- Giving Students and Staff a safer place to learn and work.
- Giving a greater peace of mind.
- Increase effectiveness of Crisis Team and Security.
Fire Drills/Evacuations
- Current policies and previous results
Current Policies
- 2 Drills a semester
- Drills at old campus 5-7 mins.
Recommended Changes
- Evac Chairs.
- Evac Location at Staff Lot.
- Use of Emergency Stairwell.
- Train Crisis Team to help clear building.
- Train Crisis Team to help evac Disabled.
- Time it will take to clear building.
- Location for evacuation site.
- Concerns about disabled students.
Evacuations During Fire/Sever Weather