By: Ayesha Khan
The Affect of Stress on the Brain
Ever Had Anxiety or Stress?
Normal Unstressed Brain
- carries out normal functions
- nauseous
- nervous
- increasing heart beat
- anxious
- short breaths
- uneasiness
- worry
- tension
- Prefrontal Cortex- controls our ability to resist inappropriate impulses
- PFC sends signals within the brain to regulate our striatum (habits), hypothalamus (basic appetites) and amygdala (emotional responses)
- PFC also regulates the stress responses (ex. neurons make norepinephrine and dopamine)
Stressed Brain
- Normal functions are affected
- Amyglada causes excess production of norepinephrine and dopamine
- Due to this production, the PFC shuts down and the activity in the striatum and amyglada is strengthened.
- High levels of nonepriprhine and dopamine
- Turns on receptors that enable harmful channels
- Channels disconnect links between PFN
- Weakens PRC's role in controlling emotions
Neurons and no Stress
- Normal circuits operation
- Working memory
- Circuitry sends message to lower brain
- Message to amyglada
Neurons and Stress
Why the Brain Goes from "Reflective" to "Reflexive"
- Network connections
- Flood of arousal chemicals
- Shut down neuron firing
- Network activity diminishes
- Adrenal glands
- Cortisol
Treatments of Stress
- Triggering of primal reactions
- Can reflect or reflex
- Saved lives
- Remain in function -weakness
- Emergencies
- Automatic reactions
- Training basal ganglia
Genetics and the Environment's Connection to Stress
- Relaxation
- Deep breathing
- Meditation
- Prazosin- blocks action
- Guanfacine - prevents stress reaction
- Pyramidal shaped
- Executive center
- Connections
- Self-control
- Sensitive to stress
- Mental paralysis
- Juveniles are more Capable
- Stumble = sensitivity
- Genetic makeup causes sensitivity
- Neurotransmitters switch off PFA
- Enzymes destroy neurotransmitters
- Baseline
Work Cited
Arsten, Amy , Carolyn M.Mazure, and Rajita Sinha. "This Is Your Brain in Meltdown ." N.p., Apr. 2012. Web. 2 Apr. 2017.
"Dictionary: Search the Merriam-Webster dictionary first. Here's why..." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 03 Apr. 2017.
"How Does Stress Affects the Brain." YouTube. YouTube, 13 Feb. 2016. Web. 03 Apr. 2017.
Axis3d. "Neuron activity." YouTube. YouTube, 17 Aug. 2014. Web. 03 Apr. 2017.
Thank You!
- The Parts of a Brain
- Function of Parts
- Affect of Stress on the Brain
- Environmental Factors
- Long term effects
- Gender Roles
- Treatments
The Prefrontal Area
Effects of Continuous Stress
- World War 11- highly skilled pilots would make simply fatal mistakes and scientists wanted to find out why
- Chronic stress
- Signal-receiving dendrites in amyglada enlarge
- PFC shrinks
- PFC dendrites can regrow
- Severe stress will eliminate this
- PFC shrinkage relates to history
- Sensitive - "special status within the hierarchy of brain structures"
- Most evolved region the brain
- Maturity
- Control
- Stores memories and information
- PF area also prevents inappropriate impulses.
Effect of Stress on the Basal Ganglia and the Amyglada
- Stronger hold
- Dopamine
- Habitual emotions
- Similar changes
- Norepinephrine/cortisol present
- Amyglada alerts for danger
- Strengthens memories related to fear
Gender Roles
- Exacerbates cravings
- Eliciting habitual behaviors mediated
- Hormone estrogen
- Greater risk of depression
- Reduced abstinence from addictive behaviours
The Brain