ribosomes are represented by chefs because they prepare the food for the restaurant.
Cell Membrane
stores food, water, and etc.
since the refrigerator and cabinets of the kitchen store items for the restaurant, they represent the vacole
allows certain substances to enter and exit the cell
this is like the main doors of the building, which allow people to come in and eat and leave when they finish
dispose of waste and break down food components (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, etc.)
dumpsters are like lysosomes because they get rid of unnecessary food and trash
Nuclear Pores
control center of a cell
the manager's office represents the nucleus because it is where everything in the restaurant is controlled from.
allow the transport of molecules across nuclear envelope
a fax machine located in the office is like a nuclear pore because it allows documents and information to be sent and received.
Golgi Apparatus
source of energy for the cell, produces ATP
the generator of the restaurant is an analogy for the mitochondria because it provides power to run it.
restaurant cell analogy
sort, package, and process proteins
the waiter staff represent it because they transport food from the kitchen and serve them to the right tables.
Smooth ER
For my analogy, I decided to use a restaurant to represent the entire cell.
I am representing an animal cell.
processes toxins, regulates calcium ions and produces lipids
cooking food is like SER because it ensures that food is properly prepared for people to consume.
packages DNA for mitosis/meiosis
chromatin are represented by the business files and licenses a restaurant needs to open more locations. mitosis is a form of cellular reproduction, which results in more of the same cell (restaurant).
Nuclear Envelope
controls what goes in and out of nucleus
it is like the door of the manager's office because nothing can enter or exit the office without going through the door.
Rough ER
gives the cell shape and helps organize the cell's parts
the building and walls of a restaurant represent the cytoskeleton because they give it shape and structure in the same way
site of ribosomes, helps maintain protein homeostasis
the area where food is left for waiters is like the RER because it helps organize food until they can be transported.
contains instructions for making ribosomes
could be represented by the main chef of a restaurant because it produces ribosomes, which in turn produce proteins, and it is important enough work directly through the manager.