Isolationist Son
Tuesday, March 7, 1934
Vol XCIII, No. 311
Global Discontent
America: Stay Away/Stay Out
Germany Italy Japan
* Young Emperor Hirohito
* Military Regime
* Left League of Nations
* invaded Manchuria in China
* 1922 Mussolini
* Follower
* Invaded Ethopia (1935)
* left the League of Nations
* 1933 Hitler
* depression
* WWI loss
* totalitarian state
* Left the League of Nations
* Rhineland
* 3rd German Reich
* Treaty of Versailles
American Apathy
Americans have no desire to get involved in foreign going ons.
* Focus on The Great Depression
* hesitant to get involved
Quotation 1
September 1, 1939
Merchants of Death
Neutrality Acts (1935)
Carry Policy
Great Britain and France
Declare war on Germany
Non-Aggression Pact with Russia
Protection of US Democracy
"I have passed unnumbered hours, I shall pass unnumbered hours, thinking and planning how war may be kept from this nation." FDR