- Confirm Chemical and Radiological hazards
- Identify Biological agents
- Work directly as a state response asset with local, state, federal response agencies (EMA, DHS, RISP, EPA)
- Provide recommendations on event mitigation, medical treatment, and follow-on state and federal resources
- On Call 24 hrs a day
13th CST Deployment
Local / regional response
Times vary based on incident site location
Goal is one-two presence on scene (advanced party)
Partial- or full-team response
Maritime Specialist
13th Civil Support Team (CST/WMD)
13th CST
An asset overview and insight to supporting transportation security
- 22 Soldier/Airmen full time - Title-32 National Guard
AGR Unit
- 57 Teams in US, Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico and Washington D.C
- Established in 1995 under Presidential Directive 39
(Combating Terrorism involving CBRN-E)
- Full Time Teams developed in 2001 with the initial 10 teams
- Rhode Island team created-24 Jul 2006
- TAVs-Threat Assessments and Vulnerabilities
- Yearly training with TSA and DHS
- Equipment support and training
- Authorized by the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007
- Support Team Members on site
- reach back to other teams and larger assets (CERF-P)
- Patrol multiple transportation hubs and high valued areas
- Aviation-
- Commercial, General, Air Cargo
- Surface:
- Mass transit/Passenger rail
- Highway/Infrastructure
- Maritime
- Frieght
VIPR Support
- VIPR-Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response
- Mission-VIPR operations promote confidence in and protect our nation’s transportation systems through targeted deployment of integrated TSA assets utilizing screening and law enforcement capabilities in coordinated activities to augment security of any mode of transportation
- Objective-Deterrence and prevention of terrorism
- RAM's-using FAM's, BDO's TSO's Canine teams, explosive detection-Radiological and chem detection
- Make-up of team is determined by joint authorities
13th CST Mission (Cont)
- In the past 6 years have conducted over 300 training, support, stand-by and real-world call outs
- Three mission Categories
- Stand-By
- Support: Pre-incident monitoring
- Real World
Reasons for VIPR
- Terrorist risk reduction
- Deterrence and detection capability
- Unpredictability
- Terrorist Cycle-
- Select Target
- Detailed surveillance-hard vs soft targets
- Selected target --second surveillance is conducted
- Planning phase - development training and weapons acquisition )
- Dry Run
- Attack-conclusion
- 13th CST is a highly trained RI State Asset
- Developing relationships with agency throughout the state and region
- Have developed inter-agency relationships due to VIPR missions that will facilitate easy transition in a large scale incident.
13th CST Mission
The WMD CST deploys to support civil authorities at a domestic chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and [high] explosive (CBRNE) incident site by identifying CBR agents/substances, assessing current and projected consequences, advising on response measures and assisting with appropriate requests for state support
13th CST Support for Local, State and Federal Transportation Authorities
- Amtrak-Police
- Federal Air Marshals (FAM)
- State Police-Rad Support/training
- Airport Corporation of RI