Environmental Science Merit Badge
20th Century Cont.
19th Century Cont.
21st Century
18th Century
- John Muir founded the Sierra Club in order to find people who shared his joy of exploring nature and protect it
- Thomas Malthus produced a book stating that population growth in the world will out grow food production leading to starvation
- The BSA and U.S. forest service made $5.6 million worth of improvements to parks
- A nuclear reactor blew in Fukushima, Japan after an earthquake that triggered a tsunami
- Scouts do service projects and service hours to benefit the environment to today.
- National Environmental Policy Act was the first 1st environmental law
- Scouting Keep America Beautiful Day
- Clean Air Act limits air pollutants produced
- In 1970, president Nixon established the EPA
- Three Mile Island was the U.S.'s worst nuclear disaster
- Exxon Valdez occurred, leaking million gallons of oil into the ocean
20th Century
19th Century
- The Lacey Act said that you cant kill birds without paying the state
- The Boy Scouts of America was built
- Theodore Roosevelt begins the Golden Age of Conservation
- Boy Scouts built 12,000 war gardens
- The Dust Bowl was a drought coupled with poor farming techniques that led to soil depleting
- Philmont Scout Ranch was established; 127,000 acres
- Author Thoreau believed in the simplicity of life and living in your means, wrote Walden
- Yellowstone National Park is made the first Ntional Park by Ulysses S. Grant