Joseph Taylor
Joseph Taylor: when he was younger
By: Abbey Sanda
Schooling & Jobs:
-He attended Moorestown Friends in School in New Jersey, were he was very good in math. He recieved a B.A. in Physics at Harverford College in 1963 & a Ph. D in Astronomy at Harverford University in 1968.
-After a brief position at Harverford, Taylor went to the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and became a Professor of Astronomy and Associate Director of the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory.
Joseph Taylor
Major Scientific Accomplishment
-Born: March 29, 1941 in Philadelphia and is 71 today.
-Parents are Joseph Hooton Taylor, Sr. & Sylvia Evans Taylor.
-Joseph grew up in a farm with his parents, sibling's, and cousins, were he had many fond memories.
Impacts of the Binary Pulsar
-Joseph and his partner Russell Alan Hulse discovered the first binary pulsar in 1974. A pulsar is any celestrial radio sources emitting short bursts of radio waves or x- rays, believed to be rotated neuton stars.
-In 1978 they showed, on the basis of tiny variations in the pulsar's radio edmission, that the 2 stars are revovling even faster and closer around each other at a rate agreeing precisely with Albert Einstein's prediction of gravity. Their discoveries won them a Nobel Prize in 1993.
-Albert Einstein theory of gravitation was proved correct by their evidence of a binary pulsar so without it we may not have the idea of gravity today.
-Without the theory of gravity we may not of had a man travel to or on the moon, or many other discoveries related to space.