Generative Grammar
Humaira Khairunnisa bt. Mohamad Hamdan
Fundamental Approach
to Knowledge
- Though constantly evolving, it stands as a microcosm of his views on the human mind's methods of taking in and storing information.
- Way of describing the way people learn to communicate.
- The core of this theory is the idea that all human language originates from a common source, an innate set of grammatical rules and approaches that is hardwired into the human mind.
- Similar with the used in Information Processing Theory (Miller).
- In order to be retained, there must be previous knowledge present for the new information to be associated with.
- Once knowledge integrated into a network, specifically procedural knowledge, it will become irreducible in complexity.
Contributions to
Contributions to Linguistics
- Chomsky formed based on the assumption that every language had similar parameters that could be manipulated and modified.
- He contributed to the field of phonology and influenced the works of other experts, including Michael Tomasello and Elizabeth Bates.
- Chomsky’s linguistic discoveries have benefited the field of psychology in many ways as well in which linguistics itself is a discipline of cognitive psychology and strives to understand how language is learned and used by children.
- Syntactic Structures was a distillation of his book Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory in which he introduces transformational grammars.
- The theory takes utterances (sequences of words) to have a syntax which can be (largely) characterized by a formal grammar; in particular, a Context-free grammar extended with transformational rules.
- Every child has an inborn capacity to learn language.
- This innate capacity called Language Acquisition Device (LAD).
- Born with all the things they need to produce language and biologically programmed for language.
- 7 years old is critical period to learn language, they have natural instinct to learn language.
- LAD allows children to interpret phoneme patterns, word meanings and the rules that govern language.
Language and its Acquisition
In conclusion, Chomsky is not a psychologist. He credited with the creation of his theory of Generative Grammar or Universal Grammar. He also formed his own hierarchy of grammar studies. Noam Chomsky has a lot of minor theories but he focused more on the theory of Knowledge, the used of grammar and cognitive development. He believes that children learned language naturally, not by imitation. A child has an inborn capacity to learn language and that innate capacity called Language Acquisition Device (LAD). The understanding about his cognitive development learning is similar used of Information-Processing Theory by George Miller. He had done some contributions to Linguistics and Psychology.
His Theories
Avram Noam Chomsky
Chomsky Hierarchy
The Nativist
- Theory of Value
- Theory of Knowledge
- Theory of Human Nature
- Theory of Learning
- Theory of Transmisson
- Theory of Society
- Theory of Opportunity
- Theory of Consensus
- Not a psychologist or psychiatrist.
- He has had a large impact on psychology, linguistics and other fields.
- Credited with the creation of theory of generative grammar.
The Nativist emphasis on nature which a person's behavior and capabilities are largely predetermined.
Cognitive Development Theory
by Noam Chomsky