Families In To Kill A Mockingbird
Relationships Between the Radley Family
What Families Exist? Who is in each family? How Do They Represent Themselves?
Characteristics Of Characters In The Ewell and Radley Family
Ewell Family
- Bob Ewell
- Mayella Violet Ewell
- Burris Ewell
Ewell Family represents disrespect and prejudice
Finch Family represents equality and respect
Cunningham Family
- Mr. Walter Cunnigham
- Walter Cunnigham Jr.
Radley Family
- Nathan Radley
- Arthur Radley (Boo)
Bob Ewell
- disrespectful
- racist
- illiterate
Radley Family represents independence
Cunningham Family represents respect and hard work
Relationship Between The Cunningham Family
Family Roles/Dynamics
Arthur Radley
- independent
- conservative
- interpersonal
- judged
- caring
Characteristics Of Characters In The Finch Family
Mayella Violet Ewell
- judged
- controlled
- illiterate
- rude
Mr. Walter Cunningham and Walter Cunningham Jr.
- respect each other
- work together
- intelligent
- motherly
- respectful
Burris Ewell
- reflection of his father
- rude
- illiterate
- innocent
- energetic
- open minded
- caring
Relationships Between The Finch Family
- protective
- intelligent
- caring
- sincere
Jem and Scout
- inseparable
- strong bond
- comfortable with each other
Key Questions
Characteristics of the Cunningham Family
Atticus and Calpurnia
- mutual care and respect shown toward each other
- Atticus ignores racist environment
Jem, Scout and Calpurnia
- Calpurnia treats them as their own
- no racist interactions between children and Calpurnia
- Calpurnia plays a mother aspect
Mr. Walter Cunningham
- respectful
- changed his attitude when he joined the KKK
What Families show cooperation or conflict
- Finch Family show cooperation and conflict
- Ewell Family shows conflict
- Radley Family shows cooperation
Who is the financial provider
- Finch family financial provider is Atticus
- Ewell Family financial provider is Bob Ewell (relief checks)
- Radley family financial provider is Nathan
- Cunnigham family financial provider is Mr. Walter Cunningham
Relationships between families
Atticus and his children
- teaches them his beliefs
- Atticus treats them with respect not matter
Walter Cunningham
- respectful
- image of his father
- hard working
Finch vs. Ewell Family
- Conflict between the two families
- trial
- Tom Robinson
Who is the disciplinarian
- Finch Family disciplinarian is Atticus, Calpurnia and Jem
- Ewell Family disciplinarian is Bob Ewell
- Radley Family disciplinarian is Nathan Radley
- Cunningham Family disciplinarian is Mr. Walter Cunningham
Who is the peacemaker
- Finch Family peacemaker is Atticus and Calpurnia
- Ewell Family peacemaker is Mayella
- Radley Family there isn't a specific peacemaker Nathan and Arthur work together
Relationships Between the Ewell Family
Finch vs. Cunningham
- Cunningham's were embarrassed by the fact they needed the Finch family's help
Who is the shining star
- Finch Family shining star is Scout and Jem
- All members of the Ewell family are shining stars
- Radley Family shining star would be Boo Radley
- Cunnigham Family shining star would be Walter Cunnigham Jr.
Who is the communicator
- All members of the Finch family are communicators
- Ewell Family communicator is Mayella
- Radley Family communicator is Nathan
- Cunnigham Family communicator is Mr. Walter Cunnigham and Walter Cunnigham Jr.
Bob Ewell and Mayella Ewell
- Bob Ewell shows a bad reflection on his kids c/f
- abusive relationship
- has no respect for each other
- Mayella scared/scarred from her father
- Mayella is told many negative things from her father
Bob Ewell and Burris Ewell
- burris reflects off his father
- the way burris was raised he believes his actions are correct
Finch vs. Radleys
- Atticus is very protective over the Radleys
- Atticus is very grateful for Arthur Radley
Bob Ewell and his children
- Bob Ewell raised his children on how he was raised c/f finch family