Big Box Stores
Small Businesses
Why is this a problem?
-Unpersonal big box stores are taking the business of smaller stores with character
Who does this problem apply to?
-This problem applies to everybody in the world, because the more people who are aware of this problem, the faster it is to being solved.
-This especially applies to residents of small towns, because the responsibility is mostly on their backs as customers to small local businesses.
-Family owned businesses that have been passed down through generations suffer
-Persoal contacts that enhance small-town store customer service get lost in big-box industries
Why is this important?
In my hometown, Chagrin Falls, Ohio, a family-run hardware store was about to go out of business due to big box stores taking its business. One day someone organized a "cash mob," in which one local man asked 40 of his email contacts to spend $20 at the hardward store. The email got passed to hundreds of people, all rallying to keep the store in business. The story made national news, showing why small-town businesses are important, along with big box stores.
How can this problem be solved?
Why Should People Care About This Problem?
-Locals and town residents should recognize the problem
and take action by:
+ Buying more from smaller stores rather
than big box stores
+ Spreading the word about it
+ Making an effort to show appreciation for small
-As John Bonné suggests, "Small businesses should find a niche market the big guys can’t match, leverage your experience and drench their customers in kindness.
Why urgent?
-Big box stores, such as Walmart, K-Mart, and Target
overpower small businesses everyday. If not solved, this problem could lead to towns with a loss of character.
Why relatable?
-Most people have those small town stores they hold dear, that they've grown up with, worked for, or even owned.
Reasons for This Problem
-Big box stores are more convenient than
smaller local businesses
-Big-box stores are often less expensive
than smaller local businesses
-Big-box stores carry more merchandise
than smaller local businesses