Alessandro Volta
In 1776, while visiting local swamps, Volta observed a mystery gas known as swamp gas', which was used to light gas lanterns. Volta was the first person to light gas lanterns. Volta was the first person to isolate methane form swamp gas'.
Volta became well known in scientific circles, and in 1778, he was appointed professor of physics at the university fo Pavia, a position he held for more than 40 years.
Meanwhile Luigi Galvani(1737-1798) had observed that a frogs leg hanging on a brass hook twitched when touched with a scapel. He thought they had their own electricty and ca1lled it animal electricity.
Thank you for your attention!
And one more thing...
Volta died in 1827
(cc) image by jantik on Flickr
2002 March
The term Volt was based on his name
Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta was born in Como, Northern Italy in 1745. He lived with his parents, Fillipo and Maddalena.
Volta did not talk until he aws four years old. By the time he turned 14 he became qa Physicist. In 1769, he began to study electricity and published two books of his ideas.
In 1774, Volta was appointed Director of the royal school in Como. The following year he became Professor of Physics.
Volta suggested that Galvani's work was incorrect, and the two men dissagreed
by 1797Volta thought that the frogs legs twitched because the solution in the legmade a connection between the two metals. He demonstrated this using a coin and some foil placed on thae tongue.This led Volta to develop his voltalic pile the first electric battery in 1800. Volta demonstrated that the combination of different metals and solutions could produce an electric current.
Volta communicated his findings about electricity to Sir Joseph Banks at the Royal Society in London. he also presented his findings to the French Academy of Science, and was made the count of lombardyby Napolean Bonaparte. In 1818, Volta retired to his family home in Como.