Embracing Change in the Workplace
Ice Breaker Activity
'Draw the Pig Personality Test'
1. Draw a pig on the sheet of paper
Learning Objectives
1. Understand why you react to change the
way you do
Becoming Critically Reflective
A Process of Learning and Change; Brookfield (1995)
4 Critically Reflective Lenses
Brookfield (1995) explains the four available lenses to view
our teaching (p. 29)
1. Our autobiographies (foundation to critical reflection)
- Explore the four critically reflective lenses by how we view our teaching
2. Our learner’s eyes
3. Our colleagues experiences
4. Theoretical literature
4. Theoretical literature
These lenses correlate to processes of self-reflection, feedback, assessment, and engagement.
- Reflection and autobiographical reflection aims to see ourselves from the role of the other person
Quotation 2:
"changing curriculum and
teaching practices in ways that were progressive and
promoting inclusion led us to consider how we might intervene in this process" (hooks, b., p. 36)
In your buzz group:
Discuss how you can support a change in practice that is progressive.
- Make connections to what the learners are experiencing
Quotation 3:
“we must build community in order to create a sense that there is shared commitment and a common good that blinds us” (hooks, b., p. 40)
In your buzz group:
- What change means for each individual
- How quickly do they adapt to change
- Do they resist change or embrace change
Quotation 1:
"despite the contemporary focus on multiculturalism in our society, there is not nearly enough practical discussion of ways classroom settings can be transformed so that the learning experience is inclusive" (hooks, b., p. 35)
Using Brookfield's Four Critically Reflective Lenses
In your buzz group:
1. What are 2 examples of barriers to inclusiveness
Role Play
2. Create a best practice you can implement to ensure
any learning experience is inclusive
Using the journal paper provided, please take some to critically reflect on the learning outcomes for the day.
Be sure to:
• Record any best practice you have learned
• How can you embrace change
• How can you implement change within your
In your buzz groups, role play the following
An employee who is resistant to change and
how you can help them overcome this challenge
2. Demonstrate the importance of a positive
approach to a change situation
Change is difficult but change is critical to remain competitive. Many people don’t like change because it is something new or fear of the unknown. Change is vital for growth and strategic thinking.
Each group will select one quotation from hooks (1994) to discuss in your buzz group
TedxPerth - Embracing Change
Please provide feedback on the and complete the evaluation form
Marilyn P
Bloom, B. S. (ed.). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Vol. 1: Cognitive Domain.
New York: McKay, 1956.
hooks, bell (1994) Teaching to transgress-education as the practice of freedom. New York:
Brookfield, Stephen (1995) Becoming a critically reflective teacher. San Francisco: Jossey-
Bass Publishers.
- Discuss the importance of a positive approach to any change situation
- Identify your role in the change process
Discuss the importance of a positive approach to any change situation
Identify your role in the change process
Brainstorm how you can make a positive
contribution for change situation
- How you can make a positive contribution for a change situation
Questions on the learning outcomes?
3. Identify your role in the change process and
learn how to make a positive difference
Managing and Implementing Change in the Workplace
- Why do organizations continually need to change?
4. Identify ways of managing personal and
organizational change effectively
Large Group Discussion
2. Introduce yourself to the group and describe:
- the details you added to the pig
- the direction the pig is facing
- where the pig is positioned on the paper
The facilitator will explain the personality assessment based on individual drawings (no scientific value)
9:00–9:30 Introduction &
Ice Breaker Activity
9:30–9:45 Learning Outcomes
9:45–10:00 Break
10:00-10:15 Material & Handouts
10:15 - 10:40 Video
10:40 - 11: 25 Group Work
11:25 - 11: 45 Reflection
11: 45 – 11:55 Evaluation
11:55 - 12: 00 Closing Remarks
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