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Overall, this policy is very successful.
- Passed on October 20, 1965
- it was a broad attempt to address the solid waste problems confronting the nation through a series of investigations.
- SWDA was not sufficiently structured to resolve the growing mountain of waste disposal issues facing the country.
- Many amendments were made to the act with the passage of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976, which became law on October 21, 1976
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Summary of Policy
- Promotes solid waste management
- Said that the U.S. Public Health Service needed to enforce regulations of policy
- Provided states financial assistance to study and develop waste management plans
- Also provided time and money to improve those plans
Solid Waste Disposal Act
By Austin Boisvert & Angie Sutherland
Issues That Led to Policy
*Technology advancements created new types of waste that needed to be disposed
*Metropolitan areas rapidly grew
*This led to major financial and technical problems
*Wanted to initiate national research and development programs for improved disposal methods
*Technical and financial assistance was provided to state governments to develop these programs
Current Issues
*Reduced the amount of landfills
*Groundwater contamination
*Habitat destruction
*Air quality
These all occur if the waste isn't disposed properly
How is the Policy Informed?
*MassDEP issues an Authorization to Construct the waste facility
*Then issues an Authorization to Operate to run the waste facility
*The US Public Health Services makes sure the facilities aren't burning or getting rid of the waste irresponsibly.
Positives Negatives