Turn up your volume - these slides have sound!
History of Zero Waste Week
- Student-driven campaign
- Zero Waste Week idea initiated by All Saints' Day School, a NOAA Ocean Guardian School
- Developed in partnership with 7 other Ocean Guardian Schools in and around the Carmel River Watershed
By reducing our waste on land, we help protect the health of the watershed & ocean.
What is Students for
Zero Waste Week?
A school-driven, week-long campaign to reduce waste in your school, your community, and your home with the intention of moving towards zero waste.
Students for Zero Waste Week invites you to take the
Zero Waste Week Challenge
Reduce waste at your school, in your community, and at home!
- By raising awareness at home, school and in our community of how to reduce waste on land, we can become better stewards of our ocean.
Make Zero Waste Week Your Own!
The extent to which your school is involved is up to you!
Which week will be your school's Zero Waste Week?
You get to choose which week to participate during the campaign!
When is the campaign taking place? For this year's dates, check out the
Students for Zero Waste Week webpage:
Zero Waste Week
For important dates and registration information, check out the Students for Zero Waste Week webpage!
You can make Zero Waste Week your own!
The extent to which your school is involved is up to you!
Zero Waste Week Posters
PDF of posters available to download from Zero Waste Week webpage
- Print
- Copy
- Distribute
- & Recycle!
Table Tents
- For distribution to local restaurants, libraries, businesses, school cafeterias, teacher break rooms, etc.
- PDF of table tent design available to download from the Students for Zero Waste Week webpage
Encourage your students to create their own Zero Waste Week posters & table tents!
Students at Lupelele Elementary in Pago Pago, American Samoa created their own Zero Waste Week posters including personal pledges to keep their home free of marine debris.
Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
- Pre-recorded PSAs are available on the website or better yet, make your own student-created PSAs!
Each school designs its own Zero Waste Week!
Program Materials:
Free for all registered
Letter Writing Campaigns
- Spread the word about Zero Waste Week!
- Students can write letters to:
- local newspapers
- elected officials
- businesses
- community partners
- family & friends
Students for
Zero Waste Week
Waste Audits
single use plastic drink bottles!
- Your data is important!
- Numbers help tell the Zero Waste Week story
How to Conduct a Waste Audit:
- Select one specific waste item to focus on reducing during Zero Waste Week!
- Plan ahead!
Waste audits must be conducted twice!
- One BEFORE the start of Zero Waste Week & one on the FINAL day of Zero Waste Week
- Conduct in the same location & preferably same time of day (consistency is ideal)
Waste Audit Data Card & Info Sheet
- Available on the Students for Zero Waste Week Webpage
- We discard 500 million straws a day in the U.S. alone!
- Help eliminate plastic straws from our waste stream, our oceans and our beaches, by simply requesting "no straw" at bars & restaurants.
- for more information go to www.thelastplasticstraw.org
School Activities during Zero Waste Week
- Start the day with a Zero Waste Week PSA
- Lunchtime Zero Waste Week games and contests
- Zero Waste Week classroom challenges
- Celebrate with Zero Waste Week artwork
- Turn off, turn down and unplug!
- Zero Waste Week movie night
- and more...
Download a Zero Waste Week activities list from the Students for Zero Waste Week webpage
Press play or use the arrows at the bottom of
the screen to navigate through this presentation.