What's The Difference Between A Psychopath and A Sociopath?
- Psychopathy- a lack of interest in, or care for, of the sanctity of human life
- Sociopathy- a lack of interest in, or care for, the rules of a society
- A psychopath is said to be born
- A sociopath is said to be made by its environment
Well-Known Serial Killers
Jim Jones
Adolf Hitler
- Jeffrey Dahmer - Lure men in, make them pose nude for photos in exchange for money or beer, kill them, dismember them, and eat them
- Charles Manson - Cult leader that lured his followers into killing
- Ted Bundy - Rapist and killer that is linked to at least 36 known murders, but up to over a hundred
- Ed Gein - Necrophiliac and performed human taxidermy; inspired characters Leatherface, Norman Bates, and Jame Gumb
- Jack the Ripper - Killed five prostitutes in England, mutilated them in unique ways, and never captured
- John Wayne Gacy - Gay man dressed as a clown, sexually assaulted and murdered 33 boys, and buried under his home
- Myra Hindley - Raped and killed five children with her boyfriend
- Said to be a person with a personality disorder
- Characteristics; superficial charm, good intelligence, irrational thinking, unreliability, untruthfulness, lack of remorse, inadequately motivated antisocial behavior, poor judgement, and failure to follow any life plan
- There are two different kinds of psychopathy: Cleckleyan psychopathy (bold, disinhibited behavior, low anxiety and feckless disregard) and criminal psychopathy (more aggressive, criminal behavior)
- Can be brought on by genetics, environment, and high levels of testosterone combined with low levels of cortisol and/or serotonin
Josef Mengele
Dean Arnold Corll - "The Candy Man"
- Does not have a social conscience
- Characteristics: charm, manipulative, pathological lying, lack of empathy and shame, shallow emotions, promiscuous, impulsive, and parasitic
- There are five subtypes: Nomadic (feels jinxed, ill-fated, doomed, and cast aside), malevolent (desires revenge, resentful, and vicious), covetous (feels intentionally denied, deprived, and envious), risk-taking (reckless, foolhardy, and impulsive), and reputation-defending (needs to be thought of as infallible, unbreakable, and invincible)
- Causes: hormones, cultural influences, limbic neural maldevelopment, environment, and head injuries
So that you crazy people don't kill me..
What Is Are They?
The Craziest Psychopath of All Time
- Amber Denoyer
- 18 years old
- Crocker, Missouri
- Has yet to be captured
- Be very careful, she's dangerous and obviously a psycho
- A serial killer is a person who has committed more than two murders in separate events
- A psychopath is a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior
- A sociopath is a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience
Serial Killers
Jack Nicholson playing as Jack Torrance in The Shining
We are all crazy in our own ways, some are a little crazier than others.
- The English term and concept of "serial killer" is commonly attributed to former FBI Special agent Robert Ressler in the 1970s
- The motivation for serial killing is usually based on psychological gratification
- Motives: sexual pleasure, financial gain, anger, thrill, power, and attention
- Characteristics: degrees of mental illness, abused by a family member (physically, mentally, and sexually), engaged in paraphilias (fetishism and necrophilia), sadistic, committed a lot of petty crimes socially isolated, bullied, and a low IQ
- Developed by childhood life
Serial Killers, Psychopaths, and Sociopaths.. OH MY!