Knowledge Mobilization
CEA plays an important intermediary role in moving education knowledge to policymakers, practitioners, parents, and the general public.
Audited financial statements available at
Strategic Programs of Work
Operating Expenses
Operating Revenues
In 2011-2012, CEA placed a particular focus on the Engaging Learning and Engaging Teaching strategic programs of work with the goal of clearly articulating what a truly innovative and transformational ‘21st Century Classroom’ should be, as defined by practitioners, students, and the community.
What did you do in school today?
Innovations for deeper teaching and learning – translating the concept of intellectual engagement into practice
CEA’s content was accessed by users in over 160 countries, and from almost 500 different Canadian municipalities (see Visitor Map).
What did you do in school today? – Latest insights into Students' Intellectual Engagement
The only initiative in Canada that focuses on the powerful concept of intellectual engagement - a deep cognitive and emotional investment in learning.
Uncovering how superintendents, principals, teachers, and students can work to transform complex education systems and learning environments into arenas that prepare all students for the opportunities and challenges of the 21st century.
Groundbreaking work in 2011-2012 included:
- Producing videos with educators articulating innovations in classroom practice and student leadership while exploring the concept of intellectual engagement.
- Teachers designing inquiry-oriented work with students that deeply engage them in their schoolwork.
- Raising levels of student engagement across grades and subject areas in an entire school.
Thank you to our growing network of supporters: those who work in classrooms and schools, district offices, research and policy circles, and not-for-profit and business sectors.
Report One: The Relationship Between Student Engagement and Academic Outcomes
APRIL 1, 2011 TO MARCH 31, 2012
Jodene Dunleavy, J. Douglas Willms, Penny Milton, and Sharon Friesen
A strong relationship exists between a student’s marks and their behaviour towards homework, their level of attendance, and effort.
Report Two: The Relationship Between Instructional Challenge and Student Engagement
Are students just ‘doing’ school or are they engaged with their studies?
How does a student’s level of engagement influence learning, achievement, and teaching?
The latest series of What did you do in school today? reports focus on student engagement, academic outcomes, instructional challenge, and intellectual engagement.
J. Douglas Willms and Sharon Friesen
Instruction is poorly matched for many students.
Report Three: Trends in Intellectual Engagement
Jodene Dunleavy, Penny Milton, and J. Douglas Willms
A call for greater transparency in school and classroom practices.
Teaching the Way We Aspire to Teach - Now and in the Future
Chair, Lynne Zucker
Vice-Chair, Dr. Raymond Théberge
Treasurer, Dr. Ken Spencer (until October 2011)
Treasurer, Richard Morris (as of October 2011)
Past Chair, Carole Olsen
Chief Executive Officer, Ron Canuel
Ron Canuel, Chief Executive Officer
Gilles Latour, Chief Operating Officer
Christa Freiler, Director, Research and Strategic Initiatives
Max Cooke, Director of Communications
Cailey Crawford, Director, Strategic Partnerships
Cynthia Liberbaum, Executive Coordinator
Michael Sefcik, Knowledge Manager
Mia San José, Manager, Membership and Circulation
Offering a candid glimpse at how Canadian teachers feel about teaching in today’s classrooms
In concert with provincial/territorial teachers’ organizations, CEA held 12 focus groups with 200 teachers across Canada in order to understand what aspirational teaching would look like and the changes needed to make it a reality.
A joint research report from CEA and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) paints a national picture of who teachers are and articulates the support they need to teach at their best.
J. Lynn Campbell, Art Director, Education Canada
Marie-Thérèse Ducotterd, Administrative Support
Jodene Dunleavy, National Coordinator, What did you do in school today? Initiative
Paula Dunning, Editor, Education Canada
Tanya He, Bookkeeper
Stephen Hurley, Teaching Out Loud Podcast Editor
Yolande Nantel, French Editor, Education Canada
Trevor Shirtliff, Market Zone, Advertising
Pierre Poulin, Raccrocher à l’éducation Podcast Editor
- Dr. Bruce Beairsto*, Education Consultant and Adjunct Professor, Simon Fraser University
- Mario Cyr, Directeur général, Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique
- Dr. Harry Janzen, Dean of Education, Faculty of Education, Vancouver Island
- Chris Kennedy, Superintendent of Schools/CEO, West Vancouver School District No. 45
- Dr. Ken Spencer*
- Shelley Green, President, BC Principals’ & Vice-Principals’ Association
Message from the Chair
Youth Confidence and Learning in the Future
The Pat Clifford and Whitworth Awards
- Pamela Hine, Deputy Minister, Yukon Department of Education
- Christie Whitley, Assistant Deputy Minister, Yukon Department of Education
Measuring Young People’s Confidence in School, Community, and the Future
Carolyn Duhamel (Chair)
Steve Cardwell
Dr. Michele Jacobsen
Dr. Alice Pitt
Jim Rice
Claude St-Cyr
Dr. Kate Tilleczek
Who we are
Last year, CEA celebrated 120 years of service in support of Canadian public education. Our values have remained consistent for all of these years because we have always worked towards ensuring that each and every learner has the opportunity for full participation in the social and economic fabric of his/her community. This is the imperative that continues to be the benchmark for CEA to obtain now, and in the future.
CEA’s Ken Spencer Award provides a glimpse into this future by uncovering a wide range of small-scale innovation percolating in classrooms. We give thanks to the passionate educators from across the country with the courage and perseverance to develop these new initiatives – learning opportunities that fuel the intrinsic motivation of students to take ownership of their learning and challenge traditional ideas of “teacher” and “learner”. We count on decision-makers to explore the potential for scalability of such projects so that they are no longer the exception to the rule. I’m honoured to be part of this journey and to work with CEA’s national network, which has such an impressive breadth of experience, and shared commitment to transforming Canadian public education systems.
Education Canada Magazine - Challenging value-based assumptions in education
- Dr. Michele Jacobsen, Associate Professor, University of Calgary, Faculty of Education
- Dr. Dianna Millard, Director, School Research and Improvement Branch, Alberta Education
- Denise Rose*, Superintendent of Schools, Foothills School Division No. 38
Founded in 1891, the Canadian Education Association (CEA) is a network of passionate educators advancing ideas for greater student and teacher engagement in public education.
The Ken Spencer Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
CEA collaborated with five Ontario social planning councils, and eight school districts to:
- explore young people’s learning both in and out of school
- to find ways for schools and communities to work together to support young people’s learning
- to involve young people as partners in school and community change.
Over 1,000 Ontario high school students (Grades 9 to 12) completed an online survey in school. Students told us that:
- They are far more confident in their personal futures than in the future of their community or country.
- There is a significant disconnect between their in-school learning and their lives and learning outside of school.
- Their level of trust is low with respect to the mainstream media and people in their communities.
Annual Report
Carolyn Duhamel (Chair)
Joan Green
Chris Kelly
Dr. Thérèse Laferrière
Lynne Zucker
CEA Chair
- John McAuliffe*, Superintendent of Education, Learning Services Division, Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools
- Darren McKee, Executive Director, Saskatchewan School Boards Association
- Dr. Shauneen Pete
- Cheryl Senecal, Deputy Minister, Saskatchewan Ministry of Education
Special thanks to the following for their valuable contributions towards the development of these CEA initiatives.
Message from the CEO
Published five times a year, Education Canada offers credible thought-provoking perspectives in both English and French on issues, trends, leadership, policy, practice, and research in education.
With its growing library of web-exclusive articles, videos, Podcasts and an extensive archive, Education Canada Online is a key vehicle for CEA to pursue its role in reframing the educational debate.
For more detailed information, please download at 2011-2012 CEA Annual Performance Report at:
Improving Equity and Academic Achievement: The Case for Collecting and Using Student Demographic Data
- Paul Cuthbert, Superintendent of Schools/CEO, Evergreen School Division
- Carolyn Duhamel*, Executive Director, Manitoba School Board Association
- Dr. Gerald Farthing, Deputy Minister, Manitoba Education
- Aileen Najduch, Assistant Deputy Minister, School Programs Division, Manitoba Education
- Brian O’Leary, Superintendent, Seven Oaks School Division
- James B. Wilson, Treaty Commissioner, Treaty Relations Commission of Manitoba
My second year as CEO of CEA been both stimulating and given me pause for reflection. Ensuring that CEA's voice remains pertinent and relevant in our rapidly evolving society is my highest priority. Recent market research conducted across Canada with our members – and with those unfamiliar with CEA – confirmed the need to heighten our visibility ‘on the ground’. This research also revealed that CEA is viewed as a thought and action centre supporting educators pushing for change. With this in mind, we continue our groundbreaking research into student intellectual engagement and student voice through our What did you do in school today? initiative. Equally compelling is our research into teacher engagement and teacher voice, detailed in the report, Teaching the Way You Aspire to Teach: Now and in the Future.
As all education research unequivocally states, regardless of our best efforts to design stimulating curriculum, new pedagogical approaches, and creative assessment rubrics, change happens in the classroom through the voices of those most directly affected – students and teachers. At CEA, we are determined to support making that difference happen, in allowing for these voices to become louder, clearer, and to provide a platform for change for decision-makers, policymakers, and other education stakeholders. So as I often say, we need decision-makers to be more than impressed by evidence-based research that will stimulate the change that we need to see in our classrooms – we need them to be convinced to take action right now.
Dr. Ranu Basu
Dr. Rob Brown
Dr. Paul Favaro
Louise Gormley
Dr. Carl James
Joan Oracheski
Raymond Peart
Chandra Turner
Engaging Canada - Building a Narrative for Change
Teaching the Way We Aspire to Teach: Now and in the Future
CEA Digital Engagement Strategy
Ron Canuel
Report prepared by:
Christa Freiler, Stephen Hurley and Ron Canuel (CEA); Bob McGahey, Bernie Froese-Germain and Rick Riel (Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF)).
Impressive but Not Convincing - Overcoming the Mindset Barrier to Transform Public Education
CEA CEO Ron Canuel's keynote presentation at the 21st Century Learning Leadership Forum, Oct 2011, Banff, Alberta.
With the development of Facebook and LinkedIn pages, YouTube and Vimeo channels, as well as growing CEA and staff Twitter accounts, CEA is connecting with emergent social media educator networks.
We would like to thank the teachers who participated in the focus groups or completed the online survey for their commitment and candour; the provincial/territorial teachers’ organizations listed below and their local affiliates for their support and assistance in helping with the organization of focus groups; Myles Ellis (CTF) for his support and guidance throughout the process; Cynthia Liberbaum (CEA) and Lynne Richard (CTF) for their administrative support; and Michael Sefcik (CEA) for his research assistance.
- John Campey, Executive Director, Social Planning Toronto
- Ron Canuel*, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Education Association
- Jennifer Corriero, Executive Director, Taking It Global
- Antoine Dérose*, Program Consultant, Policy, Education and Health Promotion, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
- Dr. Calvin Fraser, Secretary General, Canadian Teachers’ Federation
- Marty Keast, President, School Division, Pearson Canada
- Catherine McCullough, Director of Education, Sudbury Catholic District School Board
- Roger Paul, Executive Director, Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones
- Dr. Chris Spence, Director of Education, Toronto District School Board (TDSB)
- David Steele, Vice President and Director, School Division, Oxford University Press
- Dr. Raymond Théberge*, Assistant Deputy Minister, French-Language, Aboriginal Learning and Research Division, Ontario Ministry of Education
- Dr. Ken Thurston, Director of Education, York Region District School Board
- Lynne Zucker*, Vice President, Clinical Systems Integration, Canada Health Infoway
The Bulletin e-newsletter
Association des enseignantes et des enseignants franco-ontariens (Maureen Davis)
Association des enseignantes et des enseignants francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick (Marcel Larocque)
Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario (Patricia McAdie)
Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (FSE) (Richard Bergevin - Syndicat de l’Enseignement de l’Estrie)
New Brunswick Teachers’ Association (Ardith Shirley)
Nova Scotia Teachers Union (Ron Brunton)
Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (Susan Perry)
Ontario Teachers’ Federation (Rhonda Kimberley-Young)
The Alberta Teachers’ Association (Gaylene R. Schreiber)
The Manitoba Teachers’ Society (Bobbi Éthier)
Yukon Teachers’ Association (Katherine Mackwood)
The CEA Blog – 2011 Equity Theme Campaign
Mobilizing informed and diverse perspectives from across Canada on the challenge of ensuring that all learners have equitable opportunities.
Monthly summaries of the latest education news, research, and events to 2,800 subscribers from around the world.
Youth Confidence in Learning and the Future Initiative
- Chantal Beaulieu, Director General, Eastern Townships School Board
- Michel Bernard, Executive Director, Commission scolaire de la Région de Sherbrooke
- Linda Drouin, directrice de l’évaluation à la Direction générale des services de l’enseignement, Ministère de l'Éducation du loisir et du sport
- Bernard Jacob*, Partner, Morency Société d’Avocat
- Dr. Claire Lapointe*, Full Professor, Université Laval, Faculté des sciences de l’éducation
- Kevin Lukian*, Chief Administrative Officer, JPPS-Bialik
- Céline Saint-Pierre, Professor of Sociology Université de Québec à Montréal (retired)
- Claude St-Cyr*, Directeur général, Commission scolaire de la Région de Sherbrooke (retired)
- Andrew Woodall, Dean of Students, Concordia University
Community Development Halton
Social Planning Toronto
Sudbury Social Planning Council
Social Planning and Research Council of Hamilton
Peterborough Social Planning Council
Marvyn Novick, Poverty Ontario
Shadya Yasin - York Youth Coalition of Ontario
Engaging Members
Supporting our national network of CEA Members to drive change in their schools and districts
What did you do in school today? Initiative
A trusted pan-Canadian source of research and informed opinion on education-related matters.
Jodene Dunleavy
Dr. Sharon Friesen
Penny Milton
Dr. J. Douglas Willms
Halifax Regional School Board - Sir Robert Borden
Junior High School
- Karen Branscombe, Superintendent, School District 2
- Roger Doucet, sous-ministre, ministère de l’Éducation et du Développement de la petite enfance
- Wendy McLeod-MacKnight, Deputy Minister, New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Editorial Board – Education Canada
- Richard Morris*, Director of Financial Services, Halifax Regional School Board (retired)
- Carole Olsen*, Superintendent, Halifax Regional School Board
- Rosalind Penfound, Deputy Minister, Nova Scotia Department of Education
- Janet Walsh, President, Canadian Home and School Federation
Dr. Bruce Beairsto
Dawn Buie
Lorna Costantini
Carolyn Duhamel
Stephen Hurley
Dr. Michele Jacobsen
Gordon Martell
Dr. Yves Mauffette
David Price
Dr. Kate Tilleczek
Andrew Woodall
KI-ES-KI Handbook
- Elizabeth Costa, Mathematics Assessment Specialist, PEI Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
- Hervé Poirier, Principal, École-sur-Mer (retired)
- Dr. Kate Tilleczek, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Prince Edward Island
The only comprehensive, bilingual print and online education directory in Canada with over 4,000 entries of key contacts in education.
- Dr. Ross Elliott, Director of Education, Western School District
- Janet Vivian-Walsh, Assistant Deputy Minister, Primary, Elementary, Secondary Education, Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education
2011-2012 Annual Report
Max Cooke, Editor
Michael Sefcik, Designer
Alberta Education
Richard Byers
Google Grants
Stephen Hurley
Gilles Latour
Manitoba Education
Ministère de l’éducation, du loisir et du sport – Québec
New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development
Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Education
Nova Scotia Department of Education
Ontario Media Development Corporation
Ontario Ministry of Education
Ontario Trillium Foundation
PEI Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Foundation
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education
Shibley Righton LLP
Spencercreo Foundation (Dr. Ken Spencer)
Yukon Department of Education
Ken Spencer Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Dundas Central Elementary
(Dundas, ON – Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board)
Students develop a tourism app for the town of Dundas
Oasis Skateboard Factory
(Toronto, ON - Toronto District School Board)
The skateboard becomes the learning catalyst for hard-to-engage youth
Caulfeild Elementary iDEC program (West Vancouver, B.C. – West Vancouver School District)
From Students Developing Iphone Apps to Teachers Flipping Classrooms – 7 Projects that Turn the Notion of Teaching and Learning on its Head
A whole school approach to engaging learners
Centre éducatif Saint-Aubin – Saint-Aubin Education Centre Baie-Saint-Paul, Que. – Commission scolaire de Charlevoix)
A whole school approach to engaging learners
Mother Theresa Catholic High School Apps
(Ottawa, Ont. – Ottawa Catholic School Board)
Grade 3s and Grade 10s pair up to develop educational iPhone games
OKM (Okanagan Mission Secondary School) Flipped Classroom (Kelowna, B.C. – Central Okanagan School District)
Where the lesson becomes the homework, and the homework becomes the classroom learning
Community Studies Program – Omiishosh Memorial School
Pauingassi, Man. The Manitoba First Nations Education Resource Centre (MFNERC)
Reconnecting students to their aboriginal history, traditions, and community
For a booklet on all 15 Ken Spencer Award finalists:
The Pat Clifford Award for Early Career Research
Dr. Jessica Toste, postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Special Education at Vanderbilt University and adjunct professor in the Department of Educational & Counselling Psychology at McGill University.
Illuminating what we know about classroom collaboration between teachers and students.