For the Birds - What are the events that make up the rising action?
- how the story finally ends
- is a result of what the character did or discovered during the climax
- Actions, decisions and even traits of the protagonist affect the resolution
Welcome to
- Turning point (in shorts)
- Most intense moment
- Affects the resolution
- Protagonist comes face to face with the conflict in some way
- Solves the problem
- Makes some life changing decision or discovery
Plot Land
The series of events in a story (novel, short story, movie, etc.) created by the author in an interrelated sequence.
For the Birds - What is the climax of this story?
- A series of events before the climax
- Protagonist's reaction to the initiating event
- Sets a goal to attempt to solve the problem
- Everything after the climax but before the real resolution
- All loose ends of the plot are taken care of.
- Conflict and climax are taken care of
For the Birds -
Falling action events?
- ATTEMPTS are efforts to solve the problem - some are successful and some fail
- There may be several smaller conflicts that arise during this time
Initiating Event
For the Birds -
What is the resolution?
Setting -
Power Line
Day time
- Part of the exposition.
- The first action or idea/thought
- Introduces the conflict.
- Sets the rest of the story in motion.
For the Birds - What is the first event that introduces the conflict? What is the conflict?
INITIATING EVENT - The first bird lands on the line. Then the second bird lands on the line and they begin to argue.
CONFLICT - They do not want to share their line with the big bird.
Ready to try plotting two more stories with your table?
Protagonist - The little birds
Antagonist - The big bird
Characters - The birds
- Beginning of the story.
- Introduces the setting, characters, and back story.
- Before the action starts.
For the Birds - What is the setting? Who are the characters? Do we learn anything about them before the action starts?