Divided Kingdom
The Minoans
- After the death of Solomon
- Kingdoms of Israel and Judah
- Assyrians attack
- Tribes scatter and lose identity
- Babylonian Exile
- Persians help revive Jerusalem
- 2800 BC
- Island of Crete
- Not Greek, but influenced
- Complex palace discovered
- Knossos
- Sudden collapse 1450 BC
- Invasion, possible natural disaster.
- Minor political factor
- Judaism flourished
- Focused on grazing animals
- Israel 1200 BC-1000BC
- King David
- King Solomon
- Divided Kingdom
Eastern Mediterranean Cultures
- What was the influence of Nomadic peoples civilized societies?
- What were the cultural and economic accomplishments of the Phoenicians?
- What was the lasting influence of the Israelites?
- How did the Minoans interact with other ancient civilizations?
- Located along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean
- Hittite and Egyptian problems led to rise of Phoenicians
- Produced several goods: purple dye, glass, and lumber
- Trade Empire
- Carthage
- Phoenician Alphabet
- 1600-1200 BC
- Large enough to rival the Egyptians
- First IE's to use iron
- Destroyed by the "Sea Peoples"
- Aftermath led to no major powers
- Smaller kingdoms could rise.
- What was the influence of Nomadic peoples civilized societies?
- What were the cultural and economic accomplishments of the Phoenicians?
- What was the lasting influence of the Israelites?
- How did the Minoans interact with other ancient civilizations?
- Particular group of people who spoke a language derived from a parent language.
- Greek, Latin, Persian, Sanskrit, Germanic
- One group moved into Asia Minor 1750 BC
- Formation of the Hittites
Nomadic Peoples
- Fringes of major civilizations
- Pastoral Nomads
- Passed on new tech to other civilizations
- Overpopulation and drought threatened way of life
- Raids