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Positive Body Image is the ...

Response to Puberty

Response related to their developmental stage

Many find changes puzzling, troublesome, and a reason for concern

Compare their changing body to peers and images in media

Early or late bloomers may have inner conflict

Education on health care interventions based on cognitive development, not physical maturation

Adolescents Cont...

Beging to define image of self

Hive vs. Advertise

Self-concept becomes more individualized

Body image established in adolescence remains throughout adulthood

Pediatric Development


Rapid growth=confusion

Unfamiliar body

Acutely aware of appearance

Defect or blemish magnified out

of proportion

Continually comparing self with peers

School-age Child

Typically have accurate and positive body image

Head is most significant part of body

Eye color, Hair color & style

Body image influenced by those around child

Aware of deviations from the norm

Physical impairments assume great importance

Feelings of inferiority being to emerge as the child grows older

Preschool-age Child

Significant role in the development of lasting body image

Improved language comprehension

differences in appearance

Pretty vs. Ugly

By age 5 comparing their body to peers

Limited internal anatomy understanding

Broken skin requires band aids


Body Image Through the Years

Body image parallel to cognitive development

Psychological understanding of 'Who am I?'

Recognize self in mirror, describe self 'I big'

Body parts have meaning

Poor differentiation between viable

and non-viable parts

Body integrity is poorly understood

typically resistant patient

Gender recognition and differentiation between

age 2-3

Respect for the body should be practiced


The development of body image parallels sensorimotor development.

Infants' kinesthetic and tactile experiences are the first perceptions of their body, and the mouth is the principal area of pleasurable sensations.

As physical needs are met, they feel

comfort and satisfaction with their body.

Object permanence is basic to the development of self-image.

By the end of infancy, they realize they are distinct from their parents and gain interest in their image such as viewing self in the mirror.

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