Me at the beach
Make an Egg Float in Salt Water
By Tailan Hickey
Background Information/Research
The Problem/Purpose
- My background information stated that salt water has a higher density than fresh clean water
- Fresh water has precisely 999.728 kg per cubic meter
- Salt water has precisely 1026.978 kg per cubic meter
- Density is dependent on salinity, temperature, and pressure
- The purpose of my experiment was to find out why it seemed like I float at the beach
- But it seemed like I sink at the pool
- My hypothesis stated that I thought that the egg will float in salt water because there is more density in salt water than in clean fresh water
- Most objects float in salt water but not in fresh water because the density is higher in salt water than in fresh water.
- My hypothesis of the egg was going to float in salt water because there is more density in the salt water than clean water was correct.
- The problem I had was I couldn't find 3 glasses so I changed and used one
- A change I would make is use other objects besides eggs that have liquid in them like us, like oranges.
Me at the pool
Step by Step Procedure
Now I am going to show you how I Make an Egg Float in Salt Water
Video: Make an Egg Float in Salt Water
First through Fifth Steps
This is an video of how to make an egg float in salt water enjoy!
I poured about 3 cups but it depends on how big your glass is.
- I would like to specially thank my mom
- I would like to thank my dad
- I would like to thank Science For Kids
- I would like to thank Hailey
- I would like to thank Ketziyah
Insert your egg very gently.
I added about 2 tbsp but again it depends on how big the glass is.
1. Pour 3 cups of water into the glass
2. Gently put an egg in the glass
3. Take egg out, add about 2 tbsp of salt in your glass,and mix until salt completely dissolved
4. Put egg back in water, and measure to see if the egg has floated
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4, four times
Each column is about how much the egg floated every 2 tbsp
Repeat Steps 4 and 5, four times
Thank You For Your Attention!!
Any Questions?
- There are a few words you may of not known
Results: Chart of how much the egg floated
- The egg was measured in half centimeters
- I added 8 tbsp of salt into the glass in all
- The graph shows how much the egg floated every 2 tbsp.
Density-the degree of compactness of a substance Example- thickness, solidity, mushy
Dependent- requiring someone or something for financial or other support Example-relying on, counting on, support
Pressure- continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it Example- load, trust
Salinity- the taste experience when common salt is taken into the mouth Example- brininess, saltiness
temperature-the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch
Skewer- a long piece of wood or metal used for holding pieces of food, typically meat, together during cooking Example- rod, bolt
- There may have been a few words you didn't know I will tell you what they mean now
- Density- closely compacted in substance Example- heavy, thick, or mushy
- Precisely-in exact terms without vagueness Example- sharp, exactly
- Dependent-requiring someone or something for financial, emotional, or other support Example- reliant on, relying on, counting on;
- Salinity-the taste experience when common salt is taken into the mouth Example- salt
- Pressure-the continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it Example- load, stress, thrust
- Temperature-the degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch Example-climate, degrees