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Minden eddiginél gyorsabban finomíthatja, fejlesztheti és szabhatja testre tartalmait, találhat releváns képeket, illetve szerkesztheti vizuális elemeit.

  • Each individual has the right to his or her own life,and this right is the source of all other rights.
  • Property rights are essential to the maintenance of those rights.
  • It is essential that no individual or group initiate the use of force or fraud against any other.
  • The Governments powers are limited to: settling, according to objective laws, disputes among individuals, providing protection from criminals and foreign invaders.
  • Every individual has the right to live as he or she alone sees fit. : Its the official site of the libertarian party. The site does not contain a lot of info of history and beliefs of the party. Overall i did not like the site

This site contained the hard facts and policys of the libertarian party. I found this quite helpful.

Party of Canada

Election Results

Election # of candidates # of votes % of popular vote % in ridings contested

1979 60 16,042 0.14% *

1980 58 14,656 0.13% *

1984 72 23,514 0.19% 0.70%

1988 88 33,185 0.25% 0.35%

1993 52 14,630 0.11% 0.25%

1997 * * * *

2000 * * * *

2004 8 1,949 0.01% 0.32%

2006 10 3,002 0.02% 0.27%

2008 26 7,300 0.05% 0.07%

2011 23 6,017 0.04% *

History of Leader


• Charles 'Chuck' Lyall (1974–1976)

• Ron Bailey (1976–1978)

• Alex Eaglesham (1978–1979)

• Linda Cain (1980–1982)

• Neil Reynolds (May 1982–1983)

• Victor Levis (1983–1987)

• Dennis Corrigan (1987–1990)

• Stanislaw Tyminski (1990–1991)

• George Dance (1991–1993)

• Hilliard Cox (May 1993–1995)

• George Dance (1995–1996)

• Vincent Pouliot (May 12, 1996 – April 5, 1997)

• Robert Morse (1997–1999)

• Jean-Serge Brisson (1999 - May 18, 2008)

• Dennis Young (May 18, 2008 - May 2011)

• Katrina Chowne (May 2011 – present)

  • The Party opposes all government subsidies- whether to industry, education, health care, science, the arts, or individuals. It thus opposes both social welfare programs and corporate welfare programs, including the Canada Health Act, public education, and agricultural subsidies.
  • It opposes most, if not all, government restriction or regulation of voluntary trade
  • Supports the unrestricted rights of freedom of expression, religion, the press, voluntary association, and peaceful assembly
  • strongly opposes government surveillance of society, as well as government restrictions on the right to own firearms and the right to self-defence
  • It would remove all victimless crimes from the criminal code, meaning any action that isn’t against another person is an issue of personal responsibility. This supports the idea of legalization of all drugs

Libertarian Principles


The mission of the Libertarian Party of Canada is to reduce the responsibilities and expense of government. The libritarians also wish to minimize government interference in the social and economic problems of Canadian citizens.

Party History and Origins

  • Founded July 7, 1973 by Bruce evoy.
  • The Party achieved registered status in 1979.
  • Jean-Serge Brisson led the party from May 22, 2000 until May 18, 2008.
  • The party re-registered with elections Canada on June 2, 2004.
  • The party achieved registered status in the 1979 federal election by running more than fifty candidates.The party described itself as Canada's "fourth party" in the 1980s.
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