Strengths & Limitations
- Ease in administration,
- taking scoring, timing
- Language level
- Multiple Languages
- Norming Sample
- Audio Component
- Trait (vs. State)
- yes/no ... severity
- yes/no can be anxiety provoking
- Lacks a built in measure for someone acting anxious when they’re not
- Does anxiety present itself across all cultures in the same way?
- No time frame for symptoms
- T-scores not broken down by gender
- Options when reporting demographics
- Translated into multiple Languages
Sample Scores
- Second norming study for minorities: seeking a more meaningful mean!
- 3,086 children
- 874 African American/Black
- 495 Latino/Hispanic
- 1,369 other
- No significant or meaningful
Margaux (took as an anxious child)
- Raw Score 32
- T-score
- DEF 3
- INC 0
Emily (as a non-anxious child)
- Raw Score 18
- T-score
- DEF 0
- INC 2
Test Construction
Target Population
Children and Adolescents aged 6-19
Norming Sample
- Scoring categories normed in various age groups: 6-8, 9-14, 15-19
- 2,368 individuals aged 6-19 representative of the US population in terms of gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status
- Geographical breakdown
- 23% NE, 25% MW, 33% S, 20% W
- Little to no impact of demographic factors
- All of the research discussed is regarded as fundamentally relevant to the validity of the RCMAS-2 scores because of the substantial overlap between the two forms – 89% of the RCMAS items are retained in the RCMAS-2
High correlation (r = .85, p < .001) between the RCMAS and the STAIC Trait Scale (1980)
- .92 (improved over RCMAS)
- Each subscale varies between .75 and .86
The Basics
Research regarding Multiculturalism
- 49 item self-report instrument designed to assess the level and nature of anxiety in children and adolescents ages 6-19
- Each response is “yes” or “no”
- Very easy and quick to admnister
- Developed in the SE United States and created based on a sample of about 300 children and adolescents - * this is not the norming sample
- Can be administered in school settings, clinical settings, & private practice settings
Can the RCMAS-2 be used to diagnose?
“The RACMAS-2 is designed to be useful in helping gauge a child’s or adolescent’s overall level of anxiety. It is not designed to assist in placing the child into one or another anxiety-related diagnostic subcategory.” (p. 17)
- Mansoor & Ahmad (2010) Research on the reliability of the short term RCMAS-2 in Pakistan
- Ang, Lowe, & Yusof (2011) Research on the use of RCMAS-2 U.S. norms with Singaporean children
Scoring Procedure
- Raw Score
- Subscales
- T-score
- Short Form
PHY - physiological anxiety
WOR - worry
SOC - social anxiety
TOT - total anxiety
Inconsistent Responding Index (INC)
DEF (Defensiveness)
Conclusion & Implications
The Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, Second Edition
Lowe, P. A. (2014). A Closer Look at the
Psychometric Properties of the Revised Children. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 1-14. doi: 10.1177/0734282914528611
Ang, R. P., Lowe, P. A., & Yusof, N. (2011). An
Examination of the RCMAS-2 Scores Across Gender, Ethnic Background, and Age in a Large Asian School Sample. Psychological Assessment, 23(4), 899-910. doi: 10.1037/a0023891
Mansoor, I., & Ahmad, R. (2010). Reliability
Assessment of the Short Form of Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS-2) in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Psychology, 41(1), 3-13.
Reynolds, C.R., & Richmond, B.O. (2008). Revised
Chilren's Manifest Anxiety Scale: Second Edition. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services.
RCMAS-2 is a great instrument for mental health professionals to use in the assessment of those students who experience moderate to high levels of anxiety
- Splitting up the factors can help with treatment planning
- High score on the Social Anxiety dimension = social skills training
- High score on the Worry dimension = CBT
- High score on the Physiological Anxiety dimension = Mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation training
What does the research say?
- Lowe (2012) Research study on psychometric properties of the RCMAS-2 and Gender
- Sample: 1,003 U.S. children ages 7 to 19 (Grades 2-12)
- 45.8% males and 54.2%females
- Ethnic/racial composition
- Analyzed gender differences
- Findings...
& Chelsea