Georgian Bay Islands National Park
- Boat access only
- Hiking
- Camping
- Summer camps
- Water sports
- Honey harbor
- Henrys fish and chips
At Risk Species
Massasauga Rattlesnake
- over 100 different species in the park
- at risk include;
- Eastern Foxsnake
- Tri-colored bat
- Northern Brook Lamprey
- Only venomous snake IN ONT
- 50-70 cm long
- Habitats include, rocky barrens, river mouths, woodlands ans wetlands
- Biggest threat, HUMANS
Western Chorus Frog
- Emerge early
- Often heard with spring peepers
- Nocturnal
- Loud call!
- Habitats: swamps, meadows, and grassy shorelines
About The Park
Spotted Turtle
- 13 cm long
- Polka dotted shell
- Lives in swamps and bogs
- Very social
- Endangered species
- Threats;
- Pets
- Habitat destruction
- High egg and young mortality
- Created in 1929
- Ojibway reserve
- Part of Georgian Bay Littoral Biosphere
- 63 different Islands
- Worlds Largest fresh water archipelago