The Foundation of The ADR and The First Diplomatic Steps
The success of failed Istanbul Conference
- 2 million in debt for ten years
- Print the money in Istanbul
- Military Aid
Favorable Condition
Batum negotiations
The agreement brings misery :'(
Answer for it ...
- Mudros
- Letter to Wilson from Xoyski and Ziyadkhan
- Negotiations with English Force Command
- Tomson's policy for ADR ( Baku )
- Signatories : Chairman of the National Council M.A. Rasulzadeh, Foreign Minister Hajinski by ADR , Justice Minister Khalil Bey, Commander of the Eastern Front Vehib Pasha by Otttoman Empire .
- Reservations : The establishment of peace and friendly relations between the two countries, military aid .
- A deep political crisis in Russia
- The fall of the Romanov dynasty
- Unsuccessful alliances (Special Comite and the Transcaucasian Sejm)
- So ....
On May 28, The Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was established.
Once a rising flag will never fall.
M.A. Rasulzadeh
See You with always the desire to see our Flag high