Prairies Ecozone
-Three of the largest population concentrations are Calgary, Manitoba, and Saskatoon.
-Northern limit: About 54° N
-Western limit: About 116° W
-Southern limit: 49° N
-Eastern limit: About 96° W
-Bodies of water : North and South Saskatoon River
-Environmentally protected areas: Douglas Provincial Park, Grasslands National Park, and Buffalograss Ecological Reserve
-Land is mostly flat and fertile
-A few moraines that are composed of ponds and small lakes
-Many depressions called "Prairie Potholes"
-Other landforms include deep valleys and hummocky lands
-Land was flattened by glaciers
-Many layers of sedimentary rock beneath
-Clay soil dominates the Prairies Ecozone
-Clay soil blocks plant growth and the flow of nutrients and water
-Trees can't grow in clay soil
-Very southern
-Seasonal Temperature
-Low Altitude
-Yearly temperature range is about 38 °C.
-Total yearly precipitation is 348mm
-Approximately 177 days of growing season in a year
-Continental climate
-Most endangered vegetation status
-Many of the natural vegetation was destroyed due to farming
-Few trees
-Divided into 3 sub-regions: short-grass prairies, long-grass prairies, and parkland.
-Deciduous tree
-Grows up to 90 feet
-Very fragile and easily affected by numerous insects and diseases
-Can't live for more than 20 years
-Grayish bark with green leaves in summer and yellow leaves in fall
Spear Grass:
-Grows fast
-Can grow up to 1.5 meters in height
-Used for grazing
-Long and brown
-Bristles become hard after early summer
-Grows in open areas with stony soils
-Grows from October to March
-High biodiversity
-Supports many species
-Species include fishes, toads, lizards, and rattlesnakes
-Many endangered and extirpated species due to human development
-Peregrine falcon, and whooping crane are both endangered
-2nd largest population in Canada
-1/9 of Canada's population
-Major population centerse are Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Regina, and Winnipeg
-All those cities are built near rivers
-15% of the population live in rural areas
-Farming is the most important industry
-Because of mining, much of the wildlife has disappeared
-Crops include grain and pulses
-Production of fuel is 2nd most important industry
-Prairie Pacific Mining Corporation
-No particular project
Human Activity
Buffalograss Ecological Reserve