Mark Fredericks
By: Walter Dean Myers
Who Should Read
This Book?
- Suitable for the teenage audience because of the racial slurs and sexual content. If you are under 13 you should have a parent approve it or read it with you.
- The book is worth your time if you are a sports fan. This book is about basketball and if you are not interested in the sport the book can be pretty dull or boring. The book is really good and if yo play sports you can relate with some of the content.
- I enjoyed the book a lot because it told that you should do what your heart tells you. And it's a really good sports book
Book Summary
Lonnie Jackson is a 17 year old
boy who wants to be a professional basketball
Coach Cal is the new basketball coach for Lonnies
team has been known to be called a drunk.
Lonnie's team makes there big tournament. During the tournament Coach Cal meets some heavy
bettors and want them to throw the tournament.
Coach Cal plays Lonnie and doesn't want to pass up the chance of a lifetime and Lonnie's team wins. Coach Cal does have to suffer a consequence of winning in a
tough neighborhood.
First Ammendmant
The importance of the first ammendment is very important and connects to the book in many ways. It connected to the book because it shows the freedom of expression and speech. It shows expression when Coach Cal is voicing in his own opinion during the game. It showed that he could play his own players whenever he wanted to. It also showed speech too because there were some parts of the book where it had some sketchy language but where they lived it didn't matter to them.
When, Where and Why
the book was banned
Book was challenged 3 times
1989- In Littleton, Colorado. School
libraries said it endorsed drinking, stealing
and homosexuality. Also contains offensive words and a sexually explicit scene.
2000- In Ohio. English classes said the book
was evil. Because it depicts drugs, alcohal,
and sex.
2009- In Iowa. It was challenged
because of derragatory remarks, slurs,
and sexual content.