Tear Gas
Pepper spray also comes in plastic projectiles which are fired at the chest to knock the wind out of a person, who then takes a deep breath of pepper from the burst projectile.
Tear gas and pepper spray can be discharged from small hand-held dispensers or large fire-extinguisher sized tanks.
endiaferon / Demotix
Police violence at mass Indignant protest outside Parliament in Athens
activestills / Demotix
Demonstration against the Wall in Bil'in - Palestine
It’s important that you know not to pick up the canisters without gloves as they are extremely hot.
Be aware that the time it takes you to throw it away from yourself will allow you to be heavily exposed.
Recommended first aid for eyes is to flush them with sterile saline or water until the stinging starts to abate.
Blink as much as possible to cause tearing.
Exposed skin should be washed with soap and water.
Tear gas is most commonly deployed via canisters, which are fired into crowds, and sometimes directly at people.
endiaferon / Demotix
Clashes at General Strike protest in Athens
Drink Water - This is to keep your body hydrated in different climates.
- stinging and burning of the eyes, nose, mouth, and skin
- excessive tearing
- blurred vision
- runny nose
- salivation (drooling)
- exposed tissue may develop a rash and a chemical burn
- coughing and difficulty breathing, including a feeling of choking
- disorientation and confusion, which may lead to panic
- intense anger
Breathing difficulties are treated by administering oxygen and, in some cases, using medications that are used to treat asthma. Medicated bandages can be used on burns.
Discomfort from tear gas usually disappears after 5-30 minutes, while the worst pepper spray discomfort may take 20 minutes to 2 hours to subside.
Symptoms of Tear Gas Exposure
Richard / Demotix
Israeli army fire CS Gas at Protesters in Bilin
endiaferon / Demotix
Clashes at General Strike protest in Athens
Uploaded on YouTube by Syrianforfreeedom1
This Prezi was compiled by Stephen Sidlo for
Bring fresh clothes in a plastic bag if you are covered in tear gas. This stops the reccurence of an attack.
If possible use your clothing to cover your mouth and nose to avoid the worst of the effects.
(cc) image by nuonsolarteam on Flickr
Bring identification and/or emergency contact information.
Wet or soaked towels around your nose and mouth, with lemon juice or cider vinegar will help you breath better if working in tear gas.