Ancient and contemporary South Korea are different in many ways, but the same. Of course, there are many more examples. Can you find any more?
Another similarity is that South Korea has always been on a thin pennisula, below North Korea making water trade easy.
Today, South Korea is one of the richest countries in the world, but it wasn't always like that. In this essay, I'm going to compare and contrast ancient and contemporary South Korea.
South Korea
Compare & Contrast Essay
In ancient South Korea, there were wandering tribes of nomads, but in contemporary South Korea, the land is more developed with cities and towns.
Ancient South Korea used to be very poor, probably because it was made up of nomads. but now, South Korea is one of the richest countries in the world. thanks to its car and electronics industry.
South Korea's main religion used to be Confucian, a religion based on the teachings of Confucius. South Korea's main religion is now Buddhism.
Lastly, South Kore'a official language has always been Korean.
Ancient South Korea also has a lot in common with contemporary South Korea. For example, one of South Korea's biggest sports is tae kwon do; a type of martial arts that uses more feet than most others, as it has been for thousands of years.
In ancient South Korea, there was an emperor who ruled everything, the emperor was so important, he was considered on of the gods. Now, South Korea elects their presidents, much like we do here in the United States.