What happens when acid rain touches human body
- Lemon juice, vinegar and cola are all acidic. Rain is naturally acidic, but acid gases make it even more acidic, sometimes as acid as lemon!
- The acid rain in Sweden is caused by air pollution in Britain and other countries of Europe
- Water we drink from taps can be contaminated by acid rain, which can damage the brain.
The reaction that will be caused
if a human body touches acid rain is a person that has sensitive skin it will burn badly.
For people with bold skin they would feel a tingle.
Nitrogen dioxide
- Is a poisonous brown gas.
- It smells disgusting.
- Nitrogen dioxide is composed of nitrogen.
- this also is another formula to make acid rain.
Sulfur Dioxide
- sulfur dioxide is a chemical compound and has a irritating smell
- Sulfur dioxide is in the gas group of sulfur oxide.
It reacts easily with other substances to form compounds.
- This is one of the ingredients of acid rain.