
Prezi AI.




Highwaymen Motorcycle Club

"Yeah, though we ride in the shadow of death, we fear no evil, as we are the evilest mother f*ckers on the highway"

The Highwaymen Motorcycle Club does not have a specific way of initiating people into the club, the initiation varies depending on who is wanting to join. If the person joining is a well know criminal biker there will be no initiation but if it is a new unknown nothing they will make them either commit arson, bomb, or raid a rivals clubhouse.

The Highwaymen Motorcycle Club was formed in Detroit, Michigan in 1954 by Elburn "Big Max" Barnes.

The Highwaymen Motorcycle Clubs logo is a winged skeleton wearing a motorcycle cap and leather jacket. Their colors are black and silver.

The benefit of being in the Highwaymen Motorcycle Club is that they will always protect you and help you if you need it.

The only way to leave the club is in a body bag. They consider themselves a family and once you join you are in it for life.

Putting the symbol on your jacket marks you as a member.

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