- Body found in the pool on November 27th by Mrs. Sambola and Mrs. Byers
- victim- Mr. Huner
First thoughts:
- Mr. Huner drowned
- Mrs. Sambola killed him with help from Mr. Ravesi or Dr. Knapp
This is where we came in. Our job was to solve this crime, and we did.
Murder at AISA Watery Grave
JEH Private Investigators
Interviews helped us because they:
Mrs. Hansard killed Mr. Huner!
- Gave many points of view
- Helped us determine who was lying
- Gave us information that there wasn't evidence for
Sample of Blood
Text Messages
- Blood was found next to the door entrance
- showed us conversations between suspects/Mr. Huner
- Showed us facts about peoples personal life/conversations.
- Found out that it belonged to Mr. Huner
Mrs. Hansard's Interview
Mrs. Byers' Interview
Mrs. Morley's Interview
Mrs. Huner's Interview
- Disliked Mr. Huner
- Ended soccer practice early (5:15)
- Didn't know AISA even had a pool (lie according to other interviews)
- Heard Mr. and Mrs. Hansard arguing
- She left school at 5:10 p.m.
- Talked to Mr. Huner around 5:30
- Got a harsh email meant for her husband from Mr. Hansard
Foreign Skin Cells
- Found beneath Mr. Huner's fingernails (which means Mr. Huner scratched someone)
- Skin cells belong to a female
- 2 hairs found on Mr. Huner's shirt
- One belonged to Mrs. Hansard, and the other belonged to Mrs. Huner
- One found on the white stair's handrail
- One found on the handle of the pool door
Mr. Hansard's Interview
Mr. Ravesi's Interview
Mrs. Sambola's Interview
- Talked to Ms. Huner on the night of November 26th
- mismatch for money was for programs in D.C.
- Mrs. Hansard lied
Mr. Hansard's Print Outs
Dr. Knapp's Interview
Protecting her husband...
- Most important peice of evidence- it gave us the motive
- Two papers- one for parents and students and one turned into the school
- These 2 papers had different amounts
- The money was paid to Mr. Hansard, not the school like it was suppose to
Fingerprint Lab
Hair Lab
DNA Labs
- Foreign skin cells
- Female
- High lactic
- We classified each one and compared
- One on door handle to pool
- One on stair hand railing
- Identified these hairs as Mrs. Huner's and Mrs. Hansard