Facts and Data:
- 31 school shootings in America since Columbine, 14 in rest of the world.
- 1982 - 2012 at least 61 mass shootings due to firearms. Majority of the weapons were bought legally.
- 15/25 worst shootings in the last 50 years occured in the US.
- States with stricter gun law have fewer deaths fron firearms.
- Gun control / legislation
- Many innocent lives lost
Current Laws:
- 1791 - 2nd Amendment
- 1871 NRA (Promote and encourage firearm ownership on scientific basis)
- 1934 - National Firearms Act. FDR wanted to eliminate automatic-fire weapons)
- 1968 - Gun Control Act. (JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy assassinations. More strict gun control with no more mail-order)
- 2013 - Obama wants to tighten gun control laws. Background checks, banning assault weapons, limiting ammo to 10 rounds.)
What is the law?
- Have universal background checks of individuals wanting to purchase any type of gun.
- Age must be 21+ to have ownership of any weapon.
- Re-enforce Gun Control Act
28th Amendment Project
The Sandy Hook Act
Who would this benefit?
This act would benefit the country and its citizens. Mass shootings are rare but in the US, anyone can be involved in public catastrophes whether they are young children, adults, or teens.
Who might oppose this act?
Those who are frequent gun buyers but have no intentions of using them other than for defense, hunting, or ranges. They know they will do no harm to others but the incidents that have occured here in the US have lead up to a point where this is absolutely necessary.