About Myself
- Last summer I went to Haiti
- Helped build a fence and gate around orphanage
- Eye opening and life changing
My Project
Overall Feelings
- Food drive at every home football game
- Proceeds benefited Central Christian Church, Brodhead White Gift Food Pantry, and Green County Food Pantry
- Something different
- Could help people locally
- Overall about 25 hours for project
- Pretty happy with results
- Would've liked a little more
- Stressful at times, but worth it
- Helped me with time management, responsibility, and organization
- Will continue to volunteer
- Learned how much it helps others
Long Term
Short Term
- Someone to do it next year
- Have people donate more often
About Myself
- Giving food to people
- Help as many as possible
- Less hunger in our community
- Active member of Central Christian Church
- Church nursery
- Thanksliving
- Beloit Health System Triathlon
- Bell ringing
- Tim Tebow's A Night to Shine
- Fundraisers for Haiti
- Covered Bridge Days
- McDonald's
- Gas Station
- The Pig
Step Three:
About Myself
Step One:
Step Five:
Thank You Letters
- Come up with an idea
- Get it approved
- Called the food pantries
Count/ Separate
- Youngest of two
- Older sister named Tia
- Transferred to Brodhead
- Played basketball and volleyball
- Member of National Honor Society
- High Honor Roll
- I enjoy reading, hanging out with friends and family, being outside
- I work at First National Bank in Beloit
- Collected about 475 pounds of food
- $480 worth of donations
- Each food pantry got $160 and about 158 pounds of food
Step Two:
Getting the word out!
- Made a Facebook Status
- Made Posters
- Put an ad in the Newspaper
- Box for school office
Step Six:
After High School
- I will be attending Rock Valley College in Rockford, IL and Blackhawk Technical College in Janesville, WI
- I will be going into the Dental Program
- I want to become a Dental Hygienist
- Getting a hold of pantries
- Weather
- Playoff games
- Finding pantries
Step Four:
The Games
-Put up tables
-Put up signs
-Put out donation cans
-Take stuff down
-Collect all the donations
-Pick up donation cans
Mackenzie's Senior Project
Food Drive at Home Football Games