Works Cited
"Joseph-Armand Bombardier." The Canadian Encyclopedia. N.p.,
n.d.Web. 04 Jan. 2016. <>.
"Joseph-Armand Bombardier." Joseph-Armand Bombardier. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2016. <>.
"Musée Bombardier | J-Armand Bombardier." Musée Bombardier | J-
Armand Bombardier. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan. 2016. <>.
"Progress Is Fine, but It's Gone on for Too Long.: Joseph-Armand
Bombardier and the Ski-Doo." Progress Is Fine, but It's Gone on for Too Long.: Joseph-Armand Bombardier and the Ski-Doo. N.p., 1 Feb. 2013. Web. 04 Jan. 2016. <>.
"Snowmobile." The Canadian Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Jan.
2016. <>.
All About The Product (History)
Current Competition:
- skis and snowboards
- vehicles on the road
- snowblowers and other snow removal machines
- people living in year-round cold cities and places with cold winters
- ski resorts
- avid winter outdoorsmen
Target Audience:
All About The Product (History)
Success Continued:
- in 1947-48, company achieves total sales of $2.3 million
- gained profit of $324 000
- at end of the 1950s, company achieves total sales of $3.5 million
- In 1958-59, gained profit of $850 000
All About The Product (History)
Inventor of the Snowmobile
- developed patent on the sprocket wheel/track system
- expanded company’s production plant
- military employed company to create snowmobiles equipped for war zones
- created recreational snowmobile Ski-Doo
All About The Product (History)
Timeline (1958):
- manages to accomplish childhood dream of creating a recreational snowmobile
- mass production begins and the snowmobile gains popularity very quickly
(Autumn 1959)
All About The Product (History)
Timeline (1952)
And Changes/Challenge #5:
- quality of rubber and market prices change
- decides to make own rubber from raw materials
- track shows weakness
- SOLUTION: produce own tracks
- manages to create an all-rubber unbreakable sprocket
All About The Company (History)
Founder of L’Auto-Neige Bombardier Limitée
Timeline (Around 1946):
- creates a new snowmobile with capacity of either 18 adults or 25 schoolchildren
- sales drop dramatically due to a light snow and the government clearing all rural routes
- SOLUTION: create vehicles for other terrain (including forest and mud/swamps)
And Challenge #4:
All About The Product (History) Continued
Timeline (around 1942)
and Challenge #3:
- is not allowed to manufacture vehicles for civilians
- SOLUTION: develops the military snowmobile B1 that the Canadian Forces orders 130 to be made within 4 months
- production in a Montreal factory begins
All About The Company (History)
Timeline (July 10, 1942):
All About The Product (History) Continued
- expands company into L'Auto-Neige Bombardier Limitée
- develops an armoured track vehicle and an armoured snowmobile
- company builds a new assembly line plant capable of making 1000 vehicles
Timeline (1940)
And Changes:
- large amounts of snow and ice clog up the vehicle’s wheel spokes
- changes to a press that creates solid wheels
- creates new, more aerodynamic snowmobile that allows 12 passengers
All About The Product (History) Continued
Timeline (1935)
And Where/When:
All About The Product (History)
(December 1936)
- manages to create your first workable snowmobile with a sprocket wheel/track system (in Valcourt)
- turns garage into a production plant, leading to the first sales of snowmobiles
Why Product Was Created:
Joseph Armand Bombardier
(June 1937)
(Winter 1937)
- wants a motorized vehicle that is light enough to travel on snow
- Quebec government doesn’t clear smaller secondary roads in more rural areas
- tragedy with son in winter 1934
All About Bombardier Continued
Education Continued
And Challenge #1:
Financial Burden
And Challenge #2:
- moves back to Valcourt in 1926 to open a garage with a loan from father
- SOLUTION: manages to make money fast, with ability to solve mechanical problems
- able to pay back father in 1929
70 Snowfalls Ago in Quebec...
- wants to become a mechanic
- SOLUTION: quits schools and starts an apprenticeship at Gosselins’s Garage in South Stukely in the spring of 1924
- starts working in Montreal
- takes night school courses in mechanics and mechanical engineering
All About Bombardier Continued
- marries Yvonne Labrecque on August 7, 1929
- has six children later on
What Are We Talking About?
All About Joseph Armand BomBardier
A snowmobile is an automotive vehicle capable of traveling on snow or ice, typically designed for winter recreational purposes or travel. A snowmobile includes a caterpillar track that allows it to move freely over terrain.
April 16, 1907 in Valcourt, Quebec
Family Background:
parents Anna and Albert ran the local general store and farmed
was the eldest child out of eight siblings
Personality Traits:
a curious, hardworking and goal-setting risk-taker
started studies at seminary school (Saint-Charles-Borromée) in Sherbrooke