The Evolution of Roller Skates
John Joseph Merlin
Rollerblade, Inc.
Innovators in Between
- 1900- The Peck and Snyder Company
- Patented two-wheeled inline skates
- 1902- The Coliseum
- Over 7000 attenders
- 1905- John Jay Young
- Patented adjustable inline skates
- 1760
- First recorded inventor
- Metal-wheeled
- London
- Skated while playing violin
- Expensive mirror
- 1983- Scott Olson founded Rollerblade, Inc.
- First manufacturer of inline skates for a while
- 1989- Produced two models (Macro and Aeroblades) that had buckles
- 1990- Switched to a fiberglass skate, decreased weight by about 50%
- 1993- Developed new brake design, increased safety
- Several attempts
- All had inline set of wheels
- Lacked ability to turn easily
- Rinks opened/gained popularity
Architectural photo of the Chicago Coliseum, circa 1901
Jean-Joseph Merlin painted by Thomas Gainsborough
James Plimpton
Monsieur Petitbled
The Unknown Dutchman
- Paris of 1819
- Patented first roller skates
- 3 wheeled with wooden sole
- Copper, wood, or ivory
- Unsureness= bad sales
- 1937- Roller Skating Rink Operators Association formed
- 1960- Technology and plastics
- 1863
- Revolutionary quad skates stayed until 1980s
- Boxwood that worked on rubber springs
- Better control and ease
- Companies didn’t use quad
- Roller skating and disco combined
- Roller-movies were created
- 1979- Scott and Brennan Olson redesigned inline skates
- 1700
- First on land "skates"
- Wooden
- Connected to the bottom
- “Skeelers”
Petitbled Skate 1819 (97.91.2)
By Kenzie Gleason IED hr3