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Teaching English through Literature: The Diary of a young girl

1. Context

5. Activities based on Text 8

Monday, 3 April 1944

- World War II lesson based on the book “The diary of a young girl” (Level 4: Penguin Readers)

- Akyel and Yalçin indicate that the use of Literature while teaching English helps the kids to:

  • Broaden their horizons by giving them knowledge of the classics of literature
  • Improve their general cultural awareness
  • Stimulate creative and literary imagination
  • Develop their appreciation of literature
  • Start reading masterpieces in British and American literature as an educative experience

(Akyel and Yalçin, 1990: 175)

Part 3: World War II Recipe

5. Activities based on Text 8 Monday, 3 April 1944

3. Lesson Plan

Subject: History

Content: World War II

Level: 6th of Primary

Timing: 1 month

Aims & Transferable skills



To know content related to:

- Air Raids

- What was an air raid?

- Where did people shelter?

- Rationing

- What could people buy?

- Formula of percentage of changes

- Fact Sheets: D-Day, Pearl Harbour,

V-J Day and V-E day

- Anne Frank diary

- World War II:

- Who fought in WWII?

- How did WWII end?

- The holocaust

- Home in 1940

- Children’s rooms

- Baths and toilets

- Radio during Wartime

- Evacuation:

- Why were children evacuated?

- Where did children go?

- Life for an evacuee

- Kindertransport



Be aware of:


- The differences between nowadays and wartime

- What implies living during a war

- Changes in life

- Unfair events that take place in life

3. Language through learning

This is the language that comes out when working on the different activities

1. Language of learning:

Key vocabulary:

Kindertransport, Anne Frank, Amsterdam, D-Day, Pearl Harbor, V-J Day, V-E Day, Annexe, Margot, cake, evacuating, Nazi, Hitler, World War II, Rub, Add, Mix, dissolve, rationing, air raids, blitzes, ration book, Jewish, Germany, Anderson Shelter, Allies, Axis, warehouse, German, family tree, atomic bombs, clandestine schools, holocaust, radio programms, Peter, ….

2. Language for learning:

- Expressing ideas and previous knowledge

- Sharing and respecting opinions

- Respecting the speaking turns in the class

- Asking and answering questions


To be able to:

- Calculate the percentage of change between prices during WWII time and our time.

- Adopt a position during the debates

- Manipulate different materials to cook the cake and build the shelter

- Group information according to different characteristics

- Make use of the content knowledge to express their opinions about the topic

- Design questionnaires and contrast the information obtained

- Evaluate their peers work using templates given by the teacher

- Define and describe what World War II is

- Label the main events in Anne’s life in a timeline

- Identify and point out the main World War II features in videos or texts

- Recall their previous knowledge to learn the new content

- Remember Anne’s life to pass the progress test

- List the main WWII events

- Summarize the content learnt in the final projects

- Infer, predict and hypothesize information from the texts

- Collect data in order to develop their projects and after that, analyse it

* Bloom's taxonomy

2. Reasons to study History

through Literature in Primary

4. Activities

5. Activities based on Text 8

Monday, 3 April 1944

The unit is going to be divided in 3 sections.

- Pre-reading activities (3)

*The Diary of Anne Frank Quiz

*The graphic biography and timeline

*Creating a glossary

* Activating prior knowledge about the WWII

- While reading activities: 11 Texts (2 or 3 act. for each text)

* Text 1: Writing a diary

* Text 2: Designing a questionnaire

* Text 3: Main WWII Events

* Text 4: Wartime houses and top ten ideas

* Text 5: Family tree and clandestine schools

* Text 6: Radio during wartime

- Assessment part:

*4 CLIL projects (WebQuest)

*WWII Display

* Film: Diary of Anne Frank + questionnaire (after the film)

- Studying history through literature breaks down the artificial division between history and literature.

- Instead of memorizing facts about the past, the student is encouraged to interact with the ideas of the past.

- Using this type of books as the center of a history course also motivates the student to think about “how we know what we know about the past”.

- The goal of the study of history through books is a greater understanding of our own civilization, country, and place in time as well as accepting what has come before us.

* Excerpt from the book: The Great Books, History as Literature (Susan Wise Bauer)

* Text 7: Evacuation,

kindertransport and Shelters

* Text 8: Rationing

* Text 9: Money during WWII

* Text 10: WWII battles

* Text 11: Finishing Anne's diary

In this part of the book, Anne speaks about something called rationing.

Def: Restrictions speaking in food terms. Have you ever heard your grandparents speaking about food restrictions?

Part 1: Documentary: Just take notes about the things they say about food restrictions

Part 2: Theory

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