Otto von Bismarck
"The Iron Chancellor"
His Life!
Outside Information!
- Bismarck married Johanna von Puttkamer in 1847.
- He was a reactionary.
- He is one of the most important political figured in modern Germany: Otton Eduard Leopold von Bismarck.
The End of Bismarck's Reign
- In 1888, William II became emperor and didn't like how much power Bismarck had.
- William II forced him to resign in 1889.
- Bismarck retired and went back to his estates in Friedrichsruh.
- Bismarck studied Law at the universities of Gottingen and Berlin.
- He was an army lieutenant for the Life of Gaurds.
- He was elected the Prussian Diet in 1847.
Background Info!
- Born: April 1st, 1815 in Magdeburg
- Died: July 30th, 1898 on his estates in Friedrichsruh
- He was born into a rich family
- Unified Prussia into the German Empire.
- He was a Prussian Statesmen
Bismarck's Ideals
- He though that the Catholic church had too much power and influence on Prussians/Germans.
- Tried not to spread socialist ideals by introducing pensions and health insurance.
- Increased nationalism.
- Worked hard on building a powerful state with nationalism.
His Life Continued!
- William I appointed Bismarck in 1862 to be prime minister.
- Dominated German and European affairs.
- Put lots of money into the military when he was in power.
- Faught three wars to unify Prussia: Denmark war in 1864, the Seven Weeks War against Austria in 1866, and the Franco-Prussian War 1870-1871.
Bismarck's Ideals Continued
- Used Realpolitik: which is the Machiavellian saying power is more important than principles.
- Bismarck made sure that Germany had a strong military.
- He was a very harsh leader, which is where he got the nickname 'The Iron Chancellor."