West Lake PBIS
Hierarchy of Offence
Observe the Behavior
Office Managed
Teacher Managed
What Type of Behavior is it ?
- Fighting
- Drugs/Alcohol
- Vandalism
- Truancy
- Weapons
- Gang Activity
- Harassment
- Aggressive Behaviors
- Chronic/Repetitive**
- Minor Disruptions
- Electronic Devices
- Language
- Tardy
- Unpreparedness
- Minor Defiance
- Work Refusal
Problem Solve With the Student: Find the Why?
- Verbal Warning
- Hallway Conference
- Seat Away (In Class)
- Seat Away (Out of Class)*
- Office Referral **
- Conference w/ Students
- Obtain Statements
- Contact Parents
- Add Actions in EH
- Apply Appropriate Administrative Discipline
- Provide Feedback to Teachers
*Notify Parents
**Chronic/ Repetitive
Document in EH
3+ EH = Chronic/ Repetitive