Daily Routine
Small Group Time
The High Scope Concept
- Small group activity is based on problem solving using things that the students are interested in or have just learned about.
- All children should be involved in this and teachers should ask open ended questions to promote learning.
- Children are able to get up and move in order to use their bodies to help problem solve.
"HighScope Educational Research Foundation is an independent nonprofit research, development, training, and public outreach organization with headquarters in Ypsilanti, Michigan. HighScope's mission is to lift lives through education. We envision a world in which all educational settings use active participatory learning so everyone has a chance to succeed in life and contribute to society."
Mission and Vision:
(Roopnarine & Johnson, 2009)
"The name "HighScope" refers to the organization's high purposes and far-reaching mission."
-High Scope Educational Research Foundation
Daily Routine
- It is important for children to have a set daily routine.
- Nothing is a surprise and children are notified plenty in advance when there are changes to the schedule.
- Plan-do-review sequence- children are active in the planning of activities that they want to do while keeping the teacher involved throughout the learning experience.
"At my employment we do ONLY high/scope which means we do not do activities that do not qualify as high/scope. So preparing a child to write their name by having them trace over a nameplate before they play is not a "high/scope" activity, which means we are not allowed to do it."
-TJ, Current High Scopes teacher
Classroom Materials
"Limited online assessment tools available, High Scope Curriculum/Assessment Tools are expensive, Large amounts of paperwork"
-Amanda Rayle
The High Scope Model
(Roopnarine & Johnson, 2009)
- Materials are chosen to reflect the students interests but also to spark new interests.
- The materials that are found in the classroom tend to be very universal and can be used in many different situations in order to promote creativity.
- Teachers also try to find real life materials that students will use in their every day lives.
(High Scope Educational Research Foundation, 2013)
- High Scope Educational Research Foundation. (2013). Retrieved from http://secure.highscope.org/
- Hunt, A. (2012, April 23). Harlem children’s zone: Geoffrey Canada’s efforts to break generational poverty from the Start. Retrieved from http://childrenandthelawblog.com/?tag=perry-preschool
- Roopnarine, J., & Johnson, J. E. (2009). Approaches to early childhood education. (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Child Assessment
Program Assessment
Child Observation Record (COR)
Program Quality Assessment
Students are assessed by observations and notes that teachers make each day. This is based on progress that the student makes. These notes are then compared to the COR categories in order to classify and rate the students.
- There are 63 key points within 7 domains: learning environment, daily routine, adult-child interaction, curriculum planning and assessment, parent involvement and family services, staff qualifications and development, and program management.
- Observers use a checklist of items when rating the program as a whole and then they choose one final grade.
COR Categories:
Infant/Toddler COR Categories:
Sense of self, social relations, creative representation, movement, communication and language, exploration and early logic.
Preschool COR Categories:
Initiative, social relations, creative representation, movement and music, language and literacy, mathematics and science.
(High Scope Educational Research Foundation, 2013)
Daily Routine
By: Ashley Price
Work Time
Theorist's Ideas Embedded in
High Scope
- This is the longest time period of the day in which both children and adults are active and working together to learn.
- The teacher first observes the children in their learning process and interaction with others.
- Then the teacher intervenes in order to encourage, converse, and scaffold learning.
- Jean Piaget- Children are active learners.
- Lev Vygotsky- (Social Learning Theory) Development happens when put in social situations. Adults are able to offer guidance and scaffold children in their learning.
- This became the foundation for this model.
(Roopnarine & Johnson, 2009)
Daily Routine
Planning Time
Clean up time
History of High Scope
- By involving the students in the clean up process it not only restores order but gives the children responsibility and different jobs to do.
- This organization also helps students with classifying the objects they use.
- Labeling is important in this classroom because it helps children with literacy development.
- http://secure.highscope.org/Content.asp?ContentId=761
- This time allows children to think about what they want to do while recognizing the possibilities and consequences of their choices.
- This relationship that the teachers and the students share allows for control to be divided between the two. The students give their ideas while the teachers listen and help to make them happen.
Classroom Environment
Variety of Videos from High Scope:
- Established in 1970 by David P. Weikart, PhD (1931-2003)
- Program originated from the Perry Preschool Study which was conducted in order to help children overcome poverty.
- This idea was later used in the Head Start programs.
- The study showed that children were better prepared for school, more positive success rate throughout school, low arrest rates as adults, higher employment rates, and lower rate for people on welfare.
- Program found to return $16.14 to taxpayers for every dollar that was originally spent on it.
(Roopnarine & Johnson, 2009)
- http://www.youtube.com/user/HighScopePreschool/videos?view=0
- The classroom is set up into many different stations with various materials at each.
- Materials are put in places that are easily accessed by the students.
- Encourages children to try many different activities.
- Materials are diverse in order to represent different cultures.
(Roopnarine & Johnson, 2009)
(High Scope Educational Research Foundation, 2013)
Roles in the Classroom
This model allows for children to be active learners. Teachers are there to guide students through activities that the students plan, carry out, and then reflect on.
- The students are very active in their own learning.
- They are able to decide what they want to learn.
- With guidance from the teacher the students are learning through problem solving and social interaction with others.
(High Scope Educational Research
Foundation, 2013)
- Teachers are in the classroom working along side of the students.
- Communication is key, both verbal and nonverbal.
- Use encouragement instead of praise.
- Look to solve problems rather than just dismiss them in the easiest way.
Daily Routine
Large Group Time
- This time is used for students and teachers to sing songs, put on puppet shows, play instruments or reenact an event.
- Students are able to interact with each other and imitate what others are doing. They also can march, match the beat of a rhythm, or move around to songs.
Daily Routine
Recall Time
(Roopnarine & Johnson, 2009)
- This time is for students to converse with each other and the teachers to explain what they have done.
- This can be done verbally, through pictures, models, or any way they want to share.
- This time allows for students to pick out the things they liked about their activity and what they didn't like.
- This often leads to future plans based on what was beneficial.
(Roopnarine & Johnson, 2009)