Yankton Sioux
- They live on the Missouri and James R. in the city of Yankton on the border of South Dakota and Nebraska
- They are mainly buffalo-hunters but they also are farmer
- They live in teepees, cone shaped tents made out of painted buffalo skins
- They want to trade with the Corps so they could become allies and get more supplies
- They Yankton were not as fierce and dangerous as the Teton Sioux
- They are buffalo-hunters and farmers
- They're also part of the Southern Sioux tribe
- They were the first indians encountered on the expedition
Oto and Missouri Indians
- They live on the Missouri R. in Missouri and Nebraska
- They live in oven-shaped, earth-covered houses grouped into towns.
- Smallpox have depleted the number of these tribes and only have around 250 people left
- They made a peace treaty hoping for the best of peace between the corps and the indians
Along your journey of trade you will come across many dangers. You must be ready to face these dangers whether it be a bear or a band of indians. Some indians will make you pay a hefty toll. Don't forget to be aware of your surroundings. This guide is the best one out there, so read closely. May the weather be with you and may you gain riches like you never imagine.
Oto and Missouri part 2
The Oto and Missouri will not be of any trouble to you on your journey of trade. They are friendly and could not cause much harm as they only have 250 people living in them combined. If you trade with them expect to get mostly things from Buffalo. You will find many of the tribes in their area will offer mainly the same things. They might not offer the best deals, but they are close to St. Louis if you want a shorter trip. All in all not a big tribe to worry about but there if you need them.
Teton Sioux part 2
Teton Sioux
- They live on the Missouri and Bad R. in the city of Pierre, South Dakota
- They are known for power and aggressiveness
The Teton Sioux are a tribe to look for. Not to trade with, but to avoid. They are extremely aggressive and powerful. Unfortunately, they are nearly impossible to avoid. They control a large section of the Missouri river so unless you are their friends, it is extremely hard to get up or down river without losing your goods or your head. The Teton Sioux are one of the biggest dangers along your journey of trade.
- They control their part of the river and they demand you give them big gifts to pass
- They almost ended the expedition as they demanded gifts or they go to war, Clark said they were warrior's too and would fight, just in time though a chief named Black Buffalo intervened and ended the possible war
- As the Yanktons did, they live in the cone shaped shelters called tipi's
- They are buffalo-hunters but traded for crops with the Anikara tribe
- They held celebrations called scalp dances to celebrate a recent war won over the Omaha's
Trade and Property
of Lewis and Clark and the Native Americans
Yankton Sioux part 2
By Jordan Gottlieb and Patrick Osborn
The Yankton Sioux are a good tribe to trade with. For one they are friendly to traders. For two they recognize the need to upgrade their tools and weapons. If you do trade with them make sure you bring guns and ammunition to trade. They are sure to offer a great deal if you do. Expect to get, like the rest of the tribes in this area, anything from a Buffalo. They are definitely a good trading partner to look out for.
- They live on the Missouri R. in the cities of Mandan and Bismarck, North Dakota
- The towns are named Matootonha and Rooptahee, Matootonha is on the western bank of the Missouri and the Rooptahee on the eastern bank, directly north
- They live in little lodges in the open in the summer and in the winter they live in built in lodges on the side of mounds and hills
- They are political, economic, and have ceremonial activities and believes
- They are mainly an agricultural tribe growing crops like corn, beans, squash and tobacco and would occasionally hunt buffalo
- The Corps stayed with the Mandans for the first winter and stayed at a center called Fort Mandan
- Through out the winter they would share food and if food was scarce they would hunt for buffalo with the Mandans
- They live on the Missouri to Saskatchewan R. in Montana, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
- They live in lodges shaped like tipis that contain mud, sticks, stones, skins and cloth
- They hunt buffalo and bigger animals and also grow crops in the summer
- They are big rivals with the Shoshones and Nez Perce and will not like you if you have any interactions with those tribes
- They want to trade and communicate and were mad when the corps were trading guns with their enemies
- They tried to steal the corps gun and that turned out to be there first battle which killed two Blackfeet people
Clatsop part 2
The Clatsop are extremely prosperous. They have few enemies and practically unlimited food. If you make it this far, you will be rewarded by pelts and fish from the Clatsop. They will take fish hooks or any of the modern tools for the pelts. This is the final tribe you will meet on your journey west. Remember my advice on the journey there and good luck!
The Mandans lay at the center of a large trading network. It is best to trade with them at the harvest. You will find yourself trading with traders from all around as well as many tribes, some coming from up to hundreds of miles away. They will except everything from guns to instruments for corn or other foods from their harvest. Make sure to find the Mandan come harvest.
Mandans part 2
If you are going to trade with the Shoshones make sure you don't tell the Blackfeet, the Atsinas, or the Hidatsas. The Shoshones were pushed into the rocky bare mountains by the Blackfeet, Atsinas, and the Hidatsas. They are so desperate for guns you will get a good deal from them. Even better, they will trade you some of their horses for the guns. If you plan to cross the mountains, this is your best chance at getting horses to transport you. The Shoshones are a key stop on your journey.
Shoshone part 2
The Blackfeet might seem aggressive because they attacked Lewis and Clark, but they are not. As long as you don't trade with their enemies or tell them you don't, you will be okay. Like many tribes they are looking to trade you for guns and ammunition, but unlike the tribes mentioned before they will not give you buffalo. No, they will give you pelts. Pelts that are sought after by many wealthy people. If you make it to the Blackfeet, they grant you riches you have only dreamed of.
Blackfeet part 2
- They have very few enemies and few wars
- They helped the corps throughout the winter with food and other important things like finding food when the corps were low on food
- The corps stayed at a fort called Fort Clatsop for the winter
- They were very nice to each other and Lewis said they were probably the nicest tribe they had met in the region
- They have around 400 people in three villages
- They hunt for mainly fish and small game but do hunt elk, beaver, and more animals in the range
- They live on the southern edge of the Columbia R. and he Pacific Ocean in northwest Oregon
- Herbert, Janis. Lewis and Clark for Kids: Their Journey of Discovery with 21 Activities. Chicago: Chicago Review, 2000. Print.
- Kratoville, Betty Lou. Lewis & Clark. Novato, CA: High Noon, 2001. Print.
- "The Lewis and Clark Trail ." The Lewis and Clark Trail. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2014.
- PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2014.
- They shared food and shelter with the corps hoping of good relationship between the two
- The corps needed horses so the Shoshones gave them to the corps but in return wanted guns to be able to fight with the other tribes
- The Atsinas captured or killed lots of Shoshone men, stole some horses, and ruined some tipi's
- The Blackfeet, Hidatsas, and Atsinas drove them off there buffalo hunting land and into the mountains
- They hunt buffalo and other animals but do occasionally collect plants in the lower lands
- They normally live in tipi's unless far in the Rocky Mt. where they live in huts
- They live across the Rocky Mt. in Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana