What is EC?
Pragmatic & Constitutive
Introduction to Environmental Communication
Areas of Study
- 1981 Christine Oravac "John Muir, Yosemite, and the Sublime Response: A study of the Rhetoric of Preservation
- 1991 1st biennial COCE
- 1996 Environmental Communication Division joins NCA
- 2007 Environmental Communication
- 2011 IECA
- Environmental rhetoric and discourse
- Media and environmental journalism
- Public participation in environmental decision making
- Social marketing and advocacy campaigns
- Environmental collaboration and conflict resolution
- Risk communication
- Representations of nature in popular culture
WV Chemical Spill
- http://www.foxnews.com/us/2014/01/10/west-virginia-chemical-spill-gov-declares-emergency/
- http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/432068/january-13-2014/water-crisis-in-west-virginia
Robert Cox
"(1) Human communication is a form of symbolic action; (2) as a result, our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors relating to nature and environmental problems are mediated or influenced by communication; and (3) the public sphere (or spheres) emerges as a discursive space for communication about the environment."
2. . Our environmental problems are not fundamentally problems of nature, but human problems (social, cultural, political, psychological) that stem from the way we view the natural world and our relationship to it.
Representative, Arbitrary, & Ambiguous
3. The way we communicate about the natural world influences and, in large part, determines the values we ascribe to the natural world and the ways we subsequently treat it.
Three Assumptions of Environmental Communication
A pattern, or set of ideas, assumptions, beliefs, values, or interpretations of the world by which a culture or group operates.
"Environmental communication examines the use of symbols to influence, construct, and maintain human’s relationship to the natural world."
Campus Tour
1. Identify 3 environmental messages.
2. What ideologies are reinforced by these messages? What social systems (hegemonies) are supported?
1. We face serious global environmental problems that must be addressed
Contemporary Issues
- Global Climate Change
- Population Growth
- Extinction & Loss of Biodiversity
- Destruction of Natural Habitat
- Waste Disposal