After Greenbelt
- We will revisit this homework
- Assign finance staff to remaining folders
- Distribute SOP for using folders and archiving old work
Tools Added to the Tool Box:
Brain 3
Process Mapping
3D - Process Mapping
Fishbone Digraming
Route Cause Analysis
Line Balancing
Poka Yoke
Module 1 - 5 S
- Good overview of lean
- Value vs Non Value
- Our Members believe only 5% of our time is value add
- Added Tools to our Toolbox
- Gemba
- Kaizen
- 5S
- Project Placemat
- Kanban
- 5 Why
- Spaghetti Diagram
- Value Graph
- SOP - Standard Operating Procedure
Who We Are
- We both work in the Finance Department
- Accounting Supervisor / Financial Analyst
- We started in the Finance department the same time
- University and CGA
- Lean 101
- Greenbelt
- To Keep Things Consistent, We are Reporting Our Greenbelt Journey out Together
Harj Grewal & James McNeill
Module 1 Kaizen - Facilities Room
5S Facilities Storage Room
- Freed up 36% space in the room
- Found an additional 27sqr ft for Tech Storage
- Improved the appearance of the room for external vendors
- Got to deploy new lean tools
We Take on Greenbelt Training
We Get Our Own Lean Tool Box to Fill Up!
First West Introduces LEAN
- New First West Model
- 6 Big Ideals
- "Continuous Service Improvement Organization"
- This is Alot of Change How Does All This Go Together!
Module 1 - Homework
Finance X Drive 5S
- Eliminated 65% of waste files and folders
- Reduce to 65 Folders from 182
- This added 6% free space to the drvie
- This helps make it easier to navigate the drive
Module 1 & Homework
Module 2 & Homework
Module 3
Summary of the tools we added to our toolbox
Conclusions of the experience
Module 2: Process Time Reduction
Creating Flow and Removing Waits & Bottlenecks
Lean is still around
People are buzzing around the building doing things like
- Gemba
- Kaizen
- Chants
- Hansei
- Getting Green and Black Belts
Bob Hodak Becomes a Greenbelt
Bob leads finance department trough a series of Lean sessions to reduce some of the pain points in the department
Pre 2010
Introduced to Lean and Six Sigma in University
- Business Management, Strategy, and Simulation courses all touched this topic
- However all the business examples used to illustrate the concepts where in the manufacturing industry
- Toyota
- Boeing
- Nike