The Main Pitfall of the Adult World, as Expressed by Kafka, Joyce, Saint-Exupery and De Maupassant, is Disappointment.
The Pitfalls of the Adult World
To the Leaders of Today.
Though this presentation was intended for all audiences, our message is mainly to the great leaders of our powerful nations: Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and David Cameron. It is pivotal that we discontinue the corrupt minds of so many clueless adults.
Shown through the work of influencial authors of the 19th and 20th centuries, disappointment, can be a dangerous and harmful emotion.
If our societies could help each other overcome the pitfalls of our adult world, then our nations as a whole would be stronger.
Franz Kafka
Guy De Maupassant
Franz Kafka was a German-
language author who
wrote novels and stories.
Guy De Maupassant was a vey popular 19th century French writer.
In Metamorphosis, one of Kafka's most famous novels, Gregor Samsa, the narrator of the story, is disappointed with his adult life. He is dissapointed because:
1. Still living with his parents and sister after being well past his twenties.
2. Having an excruciatingly demanding job keeping him from enjoying his life.
Effect of his disappointment:
His body transformed into a disgusting insect.
One of Guy De Maupassant's most famous short stories was "The Necklace". In this story, a woman, who believes she deserves a better life, looses a very expensive Necklace after borrowing it from her friend for an important evening.
1. Hatred towards her adult life--believing she deserves more.
2. Loosing the important Necklace.
Effect of Disappointments:
Hatred towards her hard life style.
Losing the Necklace forces her to become a poor maiden lady.
James Joyce
De Saint-Exupery
James Joyce, born in 1882, was an Irish novelest and poet.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery was an aristocratic French writer poet and pioneering aviator.
Effect of Disappointment:
A hatred towards life can fuel ones ability to hurt oneself or others.
Little Prince realizes that it is important to stay innocent.
The Dubliners is a famous series of short stories written about people wanting to escape their reality.
Specifically, in 'The Araby' Joyce reveals that his character's imagination about a girl and a certain place has gone too far.
1. Real love for an imagined personality,
which comes tumbling down when
the truth is revealed.
2. Expecting a fantastic carnival and receiving a boring event.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery's famous literary piece was called "The Little Prince".
1. Adult lives were disappointing: Drunkard, Lamplighter.
2. Little Prince was disappointed with the lack of innocence and kindness of the adults he encountered.
Effect of Disappointment:
Shattered the young boys perception of what Arabia and his "true" love were like.