Explain how it will help
Describe the next steps
Refer back to the pros and cons
Describe the desired state
Describe the current situation
What jobs does the robot help in providing?
How is this robot taught to preform?
Creates jobs to people who kow how to create and repair these types of things
What impact does the robot have?
What sensors does this robot have?
- Scan enviroment
- Use maps to create
- Find people
- Be helpful
- positive impact
- creates jobs
- helps prevent injury
- guides workers to be safe
- laser sensors
- meauring distance
- uses gases to detect things
- cost is high $
- dirt, smoke, water, can damage the lasers/sensors
- do unwanted tasks
- help prevent injuries
- help lower risk of human activiy
Describe the idea you think is best
Idea 2
What if we do nothing?
How can the robot be altered?
- add things to make it less easy to brake
- make easier to adapt
The Groundhog Robot!
Tasks/Human Functions
Is the Robot Multi-Fuctional?
Where is Robot Used?
No, it doesnt preform any other tasks
- Caves
- Mines
- The Moon
- On Land
- Prevents Injuries in caves
- detects danger- gasses, holes
- finds trapped miners
- rescues workers
The Groundhog Robot
Based on Jim Harvey's speech structures