Who is to blame for WW2?
The five factors that triggered WW2.
Britain and France
Britain and France were also causing factors of WW2 because they:
- They did not correct Hitler when he did wrong,
- Britain helpped them break the treaty because they told them they can have a navy that was 35% the strength of the British navy,
- They gave into appeasement and Hitler then was asking for more territory, which gave him more power and also a bigger ego.
But there is still more to blame for starting WW2...
The league of nations
The League of Nations was supposed to keep the peace, and it failed. The League of Nations were suppose to stop Hitler, but like France and Britain they did not do anything about Hitler.
The Treaty of Versailles
The BIGGEST factor is Hitler because he:
- Broke his promises,(e.g. invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia),
- He kept breaking the Treaty of Versailles(e.g. Anschluss, Remillitarised the Rhineland, Made a nazi-soviet pact to split Poland between them),
- And many other reasons,
But it's not all Hitler's fault...
Believe it or not, the treaty is also to blame because it was too harsh and strict, so all the Germans wanted to destroy the treaty. Even the British thought it was too hrsh, so it was destroyed and no-one cared, so Hitler took advantage of that...
The USSR (Russia)
They did something very selfish and stupid, they agreed that they would never go to war, and once Hitler invaded Poland, he'd split it between them. This ment whilst he was fighting the rest of europe, he would not have to worry about the USSR. The USSR then used this time to prepare for immenent war...