Queen Victoria was proclaimed Empress of India in 1877
Britain began to outdo its rivals
"First Empire" (1600- 1776)
granting independence of many colonies
In 1562 Hawkins sailed to Guinea
What is an empire?
- An empire dominates over another state, or a series of states
- empire is ruled by an emperor
- many states in history without an emperor at their head are called "empires"
- John Hawkins was England’s first slave trader
- In 1562 Hawkins sailed to Guinea and kidnapped about 400 Africans
- Number of slaves increased after 1700
- 6 million Africans were taken to be slaves
- Many slaves died
- At the end of the 18th century public opinion begin to change
- In 1833 the parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act
Facts about the british empire
- largest colonial empire in history
- it shaped the world
- Britain had a lot advantages in comparison to other European countries
- Britain gave up its conflicts with European rivals
- Trade was the most influential motivation of colonization
- The so called “First Empire” (1600-1776) ended with the loss of the thirteen American colonies
- 1931 transformation into the Commonwealth
- Brown, Judith (1998). The Twentieth Century, The Oxford History of the British Empire Volume IV.
- http://www.ancient.eu/empire/ - by Atlas of Empires published on 02 September 2009
- Facts about “The British Empire” Colonialism_13 E1 Landeskunde Special - Abi 2006 © 2006 LMG
- http://www.transanatolie.com/English/Turkey/Turks/Ottomans/Ottoman/Pictures%20of%20Sultans/timeline-ottomans.jpg Saturday 27.08.2016
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/history/uk_through_time/british_empire_through_time/revision/2/ Monday 29.08.2016
- http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/British_Empire Tuesday 30.08.2016
- https://www.quora.com/How-did-the-British-empire-impact-British-economy
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/empire_seapower/trade_empire_01.shtml
Economy & Trade
- Colonies shipped goods worth over £1 million
- Exports ->mainly of woollen textiles
- Imports ->sugar, tobacco and other tropical groceries
- internal economy was still largely based on agricultural work and production
- British Empire had a very dominant position among European trading empires.
- India
- Between 470 and 570 million people
- Between 1885 and 1914 Britain took nearly 30 percent of Africa's population under her control
- The education system promulgated an awareness of such values as freedom, human dignity, equality
- Peoples and resources were exploited at Britain's advantage and more often than not at the cost of her overseas possessions
- The Indians would cooperate and remain loyal during the war, after which they would be granted independence
Colonies of the British Empire
- Since 1708 there are 166 countries that have been part of the British Empire.
The British Empire 1583-1783
Jessica Bolde, Romilly Rieck & Melinda Szücs